Chapter 4 (What is your problem?)

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3rd person POV
*flashback to 5 years old* (Remember that Luci's deadname is Bella)

"Mommy who's that?" Luciano pointed to Walt. Walt gave a sick smile at him. Luci's mom, Mia, wasn't aware that Walt was a bad person at first. When Luci was about 4 he wanted to wear boy clothes and his mother let him. Apparently is was cheaper then the girls clothes. No one seemed to bat an eye at them.

"Well Bella this is going to be your new daddy!" Mia explained. Luci grinned at the man in front of him. "YAY! WILL HE GET MCDONALDS!!" Mia laughed heartily at luci's behaviour. "Maybe tomorrow honey. Now off you go to sleep." Mia went to tuck Luci on the couch. The halloween blanket from walmart kept Luci nice and cozy.

"Goodnight Mommy and New Daddy." Luci said tiredly while Mia giggled quietly at his antics.

*end of flashback*

Luciano's POV

I woke up heavily breathing. That dream was sure something. I smelled some bacon and I got out of the couch to go to the kitchen. I saw Marco cooking and greeted him. Marco approached me and said. "You play guitar real good." My face turned red like a tomato. "You heard me?!"

He nodded. "There's another set of stairs by the kitchen where almost everyone, even dad, goes to get midnight snacks." I groaned. "No one was supposed to hear meee. I cussed so much cause my fingers were bleeding." Marco looked concerned and took my hand. "Let me see this. You're going to need bandages kiddo." He wasn't kidding. There was dried blood on my fingertips.

Usually if there was blood on my finger tips, I would take a break for a while. What I mean by while is for 1 day. (This is what I actually do when I play guitar 😭)Marco put the bacon on the counter. When I went to grab it he slapped my hand away gently. "Don't eat it. It's for everyone's breakfast." I rolled my eyes. "I know you rolled your eyes. Do you want your phone to get taken away for more days?"

I shook my head. At 7:30 A.M everyone came downstairs for breakfast. The twins were whispering to each other while Mateo just stared down at his phone. Alessandro came down wearing a suit.

Marco served breakfast. "Thank you for giving me this probably fantastic food." I said to him when no else did. Marco laughed at what I said. "You don't have to say thanks you know." I rolled my eyes playfully. "I know but I actually have manners." I can tell the tension in the room raised. Dante got up and yelled into my face while also spitting a little food. "What the fuck do you mean by that?" I looked at him in disgust. "Eww you spit on me. I meant was, he spent a while making all that food. The least you can do is say thank you rather than devouring it and leaving."

"Luciano! In my office now!"Alessandro sternly spoke.  My jaw dropped. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS!" I got up and before I left I grumbled. "Mom was right about y'all!"

I walked out of the front door with no phone, nothing. I walked straight on until I saw a place that looked like a park. I sit on the swing and just swing it a little. I just stare down in my lap and start sobbing. I just wanted my mom. The mom that was there for a bit of my life. I hate them so much. Why did they even take me in?

I didn't even know them and they just brought up shitty rules. Like no eye rolling? And they took my phone. How am I supposed to call Lisa and Ryan. I didn't even know where there house is or most of the rooms in the house.

I snickered at that thought. How tf does someone steal a bed. Then when I stopped crying I got hugged by Romeo. "H-how long w-were you there for?" I hiccuped. He just shushed me. "Long enough, you cry-baby." I rolled my eyes. "Just go away. It's not like you want to be here. Alessandro probably made you come look for me."

He shook his head. "No not just me. Dad even made Dante come look for you. Now why don't we go back home." Now before I said yes, I thought of something that I could do. Make a deal. "I'll go home with you only if I get my phone back." He pulled out his phone and I think he texted Marcello. "Alright I texted Dad and he said you can have your phone back."

I let out a breath of relief. "Can we go home now?" He nodded his head and we walked back together. When we entered the house. I heard footsteps running toward us. Marcello came to us and checked to see if I was okay. When he saw that I was fine he gave me a tight hug. "Hmph can you give me my phone now?"

Elio scoffed. "Really that's all you cared about?" I nodded. "I haven't really contacted my friends except for one of them." Dante glared at me. "You're so stupid." I laughed. "Like I didn't know that already." Alessandro hugged me then asked Marcello if I was okay.

"Come on. Let's go home now Luci." Marcello coldly stated. I nodded and got into the car with them.

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