Thank you!☺️

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A/n: I want to start off by saying a huge thank you to everyone for having the patience to wait for this story to be completed. All of you didn't have to wait, but yet you all chose to wait and stand by me till the very end, so thank you. It took longer than expected, but at least i didn't give up on it and delete it, which i was close to doing on many occasions.

You are probably wondering why i was close to deleting it, so let me tell you why. This story is personal to me in many ways, and i won't disclose the reasons why. As i started writing this story, i thought i could handle it, but then the flashbacks started, and that time of the year got closer. It became a struggle for me to continue writing, so i took a break. Then i realised the past is in the past, and im in the future doing something i enjoy, so why let the past ruin that for me. I put my big girl panties on and let myself be free and finished the story.

Some of you will figure it out, and some of you won't. If you do figure it out, please keep it to yourself and DO NOT MESSAGE ME.

Thank you all so much.


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