- Chapter One: Erm, excuse me, what? -

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- Payton's Pov -

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- Payton's Pov -

I can't believe my little sister is to blame for why i am now practically dead and a vampire. If she just listened to my warning and didn't push her way into the cullen family then that red head bitch wouldn't have bitten me. All Isabella had to say was, "You're not my sister. You're just trash that was left by your parents." Hearing her say that broke my heart, and i left not sparing her a glance. I travelled the world for a year using the cover of darkness and my speed to get to one place to another. That was until i got a frightfilled call from Alice telling me to stay away from Fork's no matter what Isabella says. Alice also told me to only come back to Fork's a month after the phone call and to go straight to the cullen house. Which is where i'm right this very second, but technically, i'm standing at the cullens front door, afraid of what is awaiting me on the other side. I know the first thing that will be mentioned is my glowing red eyes since Isabella practically begged me to join their animal diet, but i refused. Animals are innocent, and there are some humans out there that are not so innocent, so it makes sense to hunt and kill those horrid humans, not innocent animals.

Before i muster the courage to knock on the door, which wouldn't have been needed, the front door was thrown open by Alice, who crushes me against her chest. I wrap my arms around her and hug her back just as tightly since her and Jasper are the only cullen that i get along with. Alice and Jasper are actually the only cullens who showed they cared and contacted me when i left for a year. When i ended up in texas, Jasper asked two of his friends to check in on me, and they are the nicest vampires i met on my travels. I know the two of them will not mind that my eyes are red because they understand the reasoning for my decision plus they want to go back to human blood but Carlisle keeps talking them out of it. Alice has been more protective when she calls me telling me what i shouldn't do according to her visions. I know she must have seen something that she isn't allowed to tell me since it has to run its course, so all i can do is trust the pixie that has done no wrong to me.

"Darlin, they're getting inpatient." Jasper said, waiting next to the door

"Right, right. Payton, just stay beside me. Trust me and Jasper, please." She said, stepping back looping her arm with Jaspers

"When have i ever not trusted the both of you?" I said, raising an eyebrow

"She has a good point, darlin." Jasper said, then kissed Alice's head

"Fine, just stay close to us." She said in defeat

"Of course, your royal pixiness." I said as we walked into the house and up the stairs

"Royal pixiness? I love it." She said, smirking as we walked into the living room

"What the hell is she doing here!?" Isqbella yelled, making me look at her

I held back a gasp when i saw golden eyes and a child sitting on her lap that had a heart sounding like a hummingbird.

"Inside voice bitch, we are all vampires." I snapped coldly suddenly feeling a pull

"Young Bella please refrain from yelling. Alice, who is this fine vampire that has joined us." A black haired, red eyed vampire said, which must be Aro

"It's sad to see you didn't take to our diet." Carlisle said, sounding disappointed

"It's sad to see you're still drinking poor innocent animals dry." I said coldly

"Carlisle, leave her alone. She is her own person and can make her own decisions." Alice snapped, making me smirk

"Can we just get this over with because i need to get Renesmee ready for bed." Isabella said kisses the child's head on her lap

"As you know, we are here to make sure this child is still no threat to exposing our existence. But when we arrived, dear Alice here told us some very interesting information about Miss Payton that Edward here wanted to keep from us." Aro said, glaring at Edward

"Excuse me, sir, but what exactly does any of this have to do with me? I haven't been in forks for a year." I said politely

"Do you feel a pull, my dear." He asked, looking at me

"How the hell did you know that?" I said, taking a step back

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We will be with you every step of the way. Just listen to what he has to say, and everything i have told you this past year will make sense." Alice said softly, pulling me in between her and Jasper

"My darlin is right, Payton. Just give him a chance to explain." Jasper said just as softly

"You know about soul bonds and mates, correct?" Aro asked, linking his fingers together

"Yes, sir, i know, i read a book Jasper sent me, which had all that information in it." I said, nodding

"This will be easier to say than sweetheart. May of the vampire race think us kings are soul brother, but in fact, we are no such thing. We have no bonds tied to each other, but that was before you entered the equation. You, my dear, are Marucs' true mate, Caius's soul daughter, and funny as it sounds my soul granddaughter." Aro said worriedly like i would go all newborn on his ass.

"Erm, excuse me, what?" I said in shock, frozen in my spot

"You're my mate Amore mio." A brown haired vampire said, and i assume is Marucs said as they appeared beside Aro

"And you're my soul daughter, principessa." A blonde, almost white-haired vampire said the other side of Aro

"Get the hell out of here and away from my daughter, you monster!" Isabella snapped, making Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jasper, and Alice growl



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