- Epilogue: 100 years later -

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Payton's Pov

I never expected to be standing here a hundred years later watching Flora and Fiona be crowned the queens of the volturi, but their time has come to lead the vampire race. Marcus and I made the decision to let Fiona and Flora become queens so we can travel the world without having royal duties get on the way and also because my girls practically begged us to let them be queens. The thought of my girls being without me and being queens sent me into a panic because i knew once them crowns were placed on their heads, enemies would come out of the woodwork.

I wasn't fond of the idea of leaving my daughters, but Jasper, Alice, Peter, and Charlotte convinced me after my months that my girls were ready for the next chapter in their lives. They also pointed out that Fiona and Flora wouldn't be left without protection since Peter and Jasper had pledged their lives to keep my girls safe. Charlotte and Alice had to convince me that Peter and Jasper truly wanted to stay beside my girls side because i thought Peter and Jasper were only doing it for me.

Now i am standing behind the thrones that my girls are sitting on their thrones with Jasper and Peter standing beside their thrones. I know my soul siblings were right, and this is the time for my girls to shine as queens. They literally have the whole of the volturi coven willingly bowing at their feet with smiles ln their faces. I'm just not ready to face the fact that Fiona and Flora no longer depend on me and that they can now be who they truly want to be. If that means letting them be the queens, then who am i to stand in their way? I am going to be there cheering them on the whole entire time and to help them with whatever they need.

"Mom? Dad?" Flora said hesitantly, bringing me out of my thoughts

"Yes, sweetheart." I said, smiling at my girls who are now standing in front of me and Marcus

"As your daughters and queens, we order you to leave to start your travels." Fiona said, taking Marcus's hands in her own

"The both of you have spent a hundred years putting us and this coven before yourselves. Now we want you to put yourselves first, and there are no excuses holding you both back." Flora said, taking my hands in her own

"It's time for you both to be free of royal duties and parenting duties." They both said together, squeezing our hands

"As sweet as that sounds, principesse. Our parental duties will never be over because we will for all eternity be your parents." Marcus said, then kisses both their foreheads

"Nothing, and i mean nothing will make us stop doing our parental duties even if you're now queens because a of a parent never ends. Us being halfway around the world doesn't mean anything because we will still ring you daily to make sure both of you are healthy, happy, not overworking, and safe." I said, then take my hands out of Flora's and caress both of their cheeks

"Please, mom, dad, go for us. Even if it is only for a couple of weeks. We want you and dad to finally relax." Fiona pleads, leaning her head into my hand

"Fine, we will go, but only for you two." Marcus said softly

"I love you, dad." They both said, looking at him with tears in their eyes

"I love you both too, my principesse." He said, then kisses their heads again but a little longer this time

"I love you, mom." They said as tears roll down their cheeks

"I love you both too, my sweet girls. So much." I said, wiping their tears away with my thumb


A/n: Please, can someone tell me if my end of chapter boards look different?

A/n: Please, can someone tell me if my end of chapter boards look different?

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