Chapter 35 Sad feelings

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Meera's POV

After aunty left me in her room with her words I was not able to think straight and everything repeated in my mind on loop.

Then I came out of my trance and thought to see her off and went into the living room.
There she stood I went to her and said "Thank you for everything aunty I'll miss cooking with you."
"Oh stop you'll make me cry" she said dramatically and hugged me I thought how is she sir's mother I mean she is so dramatic and him.
He came and asked if he missed anything I was going to say but Aunty beat me to it and said it was between us. Then she went telling me to think about what she said and I shut the door.

I saw Yash was sleeping in his cot I know he will be asleep for long now so I went to my room.
In my room I was just folding the dried clothes and when I opened the cupboard to keep it there I took some clothes out before as it was messy just like my life but something fell down I kept the clothes back there and picked it and it was my and Ashish's photo when we were smiling looking at each other like the first time.
I just kept the clothes on the bed and sat down against it with the photo in my hand.
I just sat there thinking how we first me in the office I was there as an intern and in the cafeteria he just bumped into me and we both just laughed at his words that thank God none of us had any hot drink in our hands otherwise we would've been burnt. The first time I saw him he was too cute many girls had a crush on him in his department but he didn't see any of them as more. As it was my first day he offered me to have lunch with him and his friends I obliged as I wasn't good at making new friends and had no other friends to do so.
Then it became an everyday routine and we turned to good friends then lovers and after some months he proposed to me I was hesitant at first due to our families reaction but his love assured me and we got married in a temple as my family had rejected us very badly and he couldn't see the same with his. But after the marriage they accepted me and after our baby's news I was a part of their family. It all just made me cry thinking what we would've been if they both were still here with me. Even though I had a job and shelter I couldn't help but miss him he was the light in my life his goofy nature and dopey grin always made me happier.
I wiped my tears after sometime.

Aunty's words ran through my mind that sir went through the same thing we should help each other but I don't think I could I couldn't even help myself.
Suddenly the encounters with him ran through my mind how he didn't like me smiling and blushing at Rishi and his nature which was similar to mine but he opened up to me and I always felt that feeling when I was near him which I had already stopped before but how can I do this I'm sorry Ashish for feeling such I love you and only you thinking tears slipped through my eyes thinking how can I do this to Ashish how could I betray him.
I was crying and cursing myself for this and didn't know when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
I wiped my tears quickly and I heard the knock again but with him saying "Meera are you okay?"
I took a deep breath and uttered "Y..Yes sir I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" I replied back and then he went I guess as I heard the footsteps.
I stood up and put my hair in a bun and arranged my clothes and kept the photo back where it was and washed my face.
Once I checked I had no evidence of crying on my face except for the redness on it but it was fine and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I quietly made the dal and rice for lunch and I brought my mobile back from my room and saw it was almost time to feed Yash and went to the cot but it was empty he might have taken him with him.

After sometime the lunch was ready and I heard Yash crying I went to his room and knocked but no response so I knocked again and the door opened I came to know it wasn't locked in the first place. I contemplated going in but Yash's cries made me go in and I saw he was sleeping on his back with Yash in his arms on his chest. I walked to his side and slowly tried to detach Yash and I did and went to my room and opened my blouse to feed him he didn't waste any time I was growing attached to him and once he is all grown up he won't need me this thought made a dull void in my heart because unknowingly he and I had developed a bond I stopped thinking about it and after he was full I covered myself back and took him in the living room there I burped him after sometime and kept him in his cot and saw him coming from his room all freshened up.
"Sorry I slept a bit late" he said.
"No worries you deserved it after a hectic work schedule."
He nodded in response.
"Lunch is ready" I said and we both had lunch quietly.
I was reading a book after the lunch as he was washing the dishes.
He came there afterwards and sat beside me at a distance.
I thought he must be busy on his phone and kept reading but he suddenly asked me "Were you crying when I knocked on your door?" making me shocked.
I denied it looking anywhere but his face as it was my habit I couldn't lie by looking at someone's face so I always looked elsewhere.
"No I didn't why would I cry."
"Meera it's fine you can talk to me" he replied.
"I wasn't crying I already said so" I said to him getting annoyed at why was he able to read me so correctly.
"Yeah ?" He asked.
I nodded in response.
"But your puffy eyes say otherwise." He said making me realise I got caught and had no escape from the confrontation that was going to be there.

Word count:1100
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