Chapter 38

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In the vast expanse of the open sea, where the horizon met the sky in an unbroken line of azure, King Taehan and Queen Asora found a momentary respite from the weight of their crown. On the deck of their royal vessel, the gentle caress of the ocean breeze mingled with the sound of lapping waves, creating a symphony of tranquility that enveloped them as they stood together, gazing out at the boundless expanse before them.

"It's moments like these, Asora, that remind me of why we embarked on this journey together," King Taehan said, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia as he turned to his queen.

Asora smiled, her eyes reflecting the shimmering sunlight dancing upon the water. "Indeed, my love. The serenity of the sea has a way of quieting the clamor of our duties, if only for a fleeting moment."

Meanwhile, in the heart of the bustling city of Seoul, General Ki-Yong paced restlessly in his chamber, his brow furrowed with concern. Despite the best efforts of the royal physicians, his condition continued to deteriorate, leaving him plagued by a sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.

"The healers grow increasingly perplexed by your illness, my lord," The Advisor remarked, his voice tinged with apprehension as he observed the general's restless movements.

General Ki-Yong sighed heavily, his frustration evident in the lines etched upon his face. "I fear there may be more to this sickness than meets the eye, Chang. Something...sinister." A sudden wave of dizziness swept over the general, causing him to stagger momentarily before regaining his composure.

"My lord, perhaps it would be wise to rest," Advisor Jangsu suggested, his concern deepening as he witnessed the general's weakened state.

The general nodded, conceding to his advisor's counsel as he sank wearily into a nearby chair. As he closed his eyes, a sense of foreboding gripped his heart, casting a shadow over his thoughts that refused to dissipate. Meanwhile, in Korea, General Ki-Yong began to feel unwell, his condition worsening with each passing day. Despite the efforts of the healers, his sickness remained a mystery, casting a shadow of concern over the kingdom.

A few nights ago, General Ki-Yong had suddenly collapsed during a very important dinner, sending shockwaves through the room. Wiseman Japh, ever vigilant despite his deafness, sprang into action and managed to catch the falling general before he hit the ground. With swift efficiency, they rushed the stricken general to his chamber, where the healers worked tirelessly to determine the cause of his ailment.

As General Ki-Yong lay unconscious, Wiseman Japh remained by his side, offering whatever comfort he could. When the general finally stirred awake in the afternoon, Wiseman Japh was there, ready to assist in any way he could.

Seeing the general's eyes flutter open, Wiseman Japh immediately offered him a cup of water, gently lifting his head to help him drink. As the general took a sip, Wiseman Japh's mind raced, piecing together the events leading up to the poisoning.

With a grave expression, Wiseman Japh waved for to Advisor Jangsu, who stood nearby, ready to translate his words to the sick general.

Wiseman Japh's hands moved with sadness, "I know for sure now, you were poisoned."

His hands signed with urgency as he recalled previous week in the kitchen.

As Japh entered the kitchen to fetch a drink for himself, he noticed the two women engaged in a conversation, unaware of his presence.

Wiseman Japh's ability to understand the conversation between the two women in the kitchen, despite being deaf, was a testament to his keen observation skills and his proficiency in lip-reading.

Though their words were silent to him, Wiseman Japh's trained eyes swiftly deciphered their meaning by observing the movements of their lips. He saw the concern etched on their faces as they kept talking about right measurements and punishment if they did not measure properly.

Wisemen Japh had a sinking feeling, but he brushed off and assumed they were overthinking that general would be mad if they didn't get proper ingredients for cooking. General Ki-Yong was not aggressive by nature at all. So Wisemen Japh left; ignoring that their words betrayed the sinister intent behind their words.

The clandestine conversation he had inadvertently witnessed confirmed his worst fears – the general was being poisoned, and there were traitors within their midst.

"It's our worst fear confirmed," Advisor Jangsu lamented, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Advisor Jangsu's expression mirrored Wiseman Japh's concern, his eyes widening in horror as he comprehended the implications of the betrayal within their midst. The realization that traitors lurked within their own walls struck a deep chord of fear and uncertainty in both men.

"We cannot afford to delay," Wiseman Japh signed, his hands moving with purpose. "From now on, anyone who prepares food for the general must eat it first in front of everyone."

"If anyone refuses to eat before the general," Advisor Jangsu voice for Wisemen Japh , "Then they are to be immediately detained and locked up. We cannot afford to take any chances with the safety of the general or the kingdom."

"In these circumstances, having those who present or cook the food as testers is the best we can do," Advisor Jangsu agreed. "One would consider extreme, but nothing is extreme when traitors are involved. And while we are enforcing these things let's limit access to and from the city. Anyone attempting to leave without proper authorization is to be detained and questioned."

Wisemen Japh nodded his head before his gaze swept across the room. "We must keep this information within these walls," he emphasized, his eyes conveying the seriousness of their predicament. "No one outside of this room is to know what is going on. Our enemy may be at the door for all we know, so secrecy is our greatest ally."

General Ki-Yong, though weakened by illness, nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and concern. Wiseman Japh's and his dear friend Jangsu plan offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a chance to confront the treachery threatening their kingdom from within.

"We can only hope and pray that King Taehan and Queen Asora return soon," Advisor Jangsu conveyed, his voice laced with concern. "Until then, we are on our own."

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