Chapter 5

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Preparation For His Queen

"This is a proclamation given from our King, Kang Tae-Han, it is to be heard throughout the land of Joseon. The king has ceased his search for a wife, for he has found her. In a few weeks time she will arrive in Joseon and marry our beloved king.

From this day forward the people of Joseon will celebrate until the day of their Union, and onto the new year. The king ask for woman ages 16 through 55 to come to the towns garden, where in two days times, Princess ... will test you on various skills to become maids or even court ladies.

The King also asks for extra men to protect our country and the palace with the arrival of our future Queen who is from a foreign land. Every man between the ages of 18 and 35 are to be called to the towns square in three days time, those who are healthy will be asked to serve.

Those who wish against it or try to scheme a way out of this obligation, whether female or male, will be held accountable and severely punished..."

The high official walked to the square's wooden bulletin board once he finished reading the proclamation, carefully he nailed the decree on it before walking away towards his horse.

The moment he made it a few feet away, the crowd around the square flocked to the board.

They couldn't believe it.

There king was to be wedded. The crowd began to murmur and speculate.

"The woman that marries that man is clearly after his riches, or she may just be stupid." A teenaged girl whispered to her friends which earned many snickers.

"Yeah!" Another friend laughed. "I will personally send her the best silk from our shop, she saved us from a real nut."

The mothers across from the girls also gossiped, "Isn't this exciting? Our future heir will be mixed-blooded."

A mother with long black hair and a pointy nose scoffed, "We should keep the royal family to only our people. Not contaminate it."

"Contaminate?" Another mother said, her face turning sour. "While I am wary of new blood in our royal family, that is a very rude thing to say. And think about it, we cannot keep marrying our own blood, you know what happens to families that have the same last name or blood."

"Whatever." The bitter mother said before walking away.

Her thoughts ran wild as she thought about the future heir and how ugly he or she would look, but her thoughts cane to halting stop as an old man carrying sugar cane walked into her. Her face turned red, and she swung her hand into the back of his head. "Watch where you are going you old fool. I worked as the princess nanny, and was given this as a gift. This dress cost more than you."

No one dare to intervene, the king was very protective of his servants and guards. So the old man could only sputter a bunch of apologies, but he was only pushed aside by the angered woman. 

He watched as she walked away and the small crowd began to disappear, no one wanting to help him.

The old man squared his shoulders and straightened his back from a slouching position. "Clearly that privilege she had is still going to her head."

King & Kween Kang (The Rise Of Kang's #1)Where stories live. Discover now