Chapter 12

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A Lenient Queen

King Tae-Han walked down the hallways to the dining hall with his advisors in tow, informing him of his day's activities, field reports, and plans for the evening festivities for the foreign Queen and her people. But his advisors, however, paid no heed to the fact that he was tuning them out.

The King's common expressions were that of a frown or a scowl, yet, the frown he wore was rather new. It was one of pity and guilt. He replayed the events of what happened just several minutes ago, he remembered the foreign Queen slicing her knife through the air to attack one of his maids, and then the guilt and embarrassment in the Queen's eyes; and how she fell to the ground, disturbed and shaken, all because she felt unsafe.

Tae-Han didn't realize how uncomfortable she felt being in his country, and that made him feel like he was already failing as a husband, and for some reason, he felt like a terrible leader too. All the people within his kingdom walls should feel protected... safe.

Abruptly the King stopped, and the advisors almost ran into his broad shoulders, "Someone find me the guards that roamed the hallways to Queen Asora's chamber last night?"

Each advisor looked at one another in confusion, "Sorry my King, just to make sure I understand, you want us to find the guards on last night's shift?"

"Now," The King said in a low voice.

Slowly his head turned slightly to the side, just enough for the advisors to see half of his face, and it was a scary sight to behold. His eyes were wide and pupils shaking, "No one was supposed to be in those hallways last night, no one. And I pray to God, it was two foolish guards because if not, an intruder is roaming these halls freely!" He growled. "And when you find the intruder bring them to me because I will have their head for treason. Understood?"

The advisors nodded their heads, but still couldn't move, "Why are you still here?" The King asked.

"Sorry," They said as they quickly scurried away. None of them had to say anything to each other about how important this was as they sped walk down another hallway. They needed to find this person now.

Back in her chambers, the foreign Queen stood looking at the maids with embarrassment. "I truly apologize for what transpired several minutes ago, last night was very hard for me, and with my lack of sleep I kind of was in a fragile state."

The maids all nodded their heads, but Asora shook her head, "I don't want you to just accept my apology because I am a Queen, I want you to truly understand that I am sorry, and I will never do that again, especially to those who only want to help." The Queen bowed at a 90-degree angle with her hands on her stomach like Tae-Jeong had shown her. 

The maids panicked on seeing the Queen bow, "It is okay." The young lady Asora had attacked said. "We hope to be of more to use to you."

The Queen smiled and walked up to her, "What is your name?"

"Mi-hi. your majesty, but you may call me Mi too."

"Which one would you prefer? Which one makes you happy?" The Queen asked.

"Mi," She said softly. "My mom calls Mi, and I like it a lot." 

"Well, Mi," The Queen smiled. "We started off on a bad foot, but I would like to make it up to you. I'll start off with number one, would you like to be my official keeper? And two, I have several creams that I brought over from my country, it's for your hair and skin. I'll give you a few of those too."

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