Chapter 1

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 Grace Harland was sitting in her bedroom, brushing her long, dark blond hair. Beside her, sat her loyal service dog, Rex, a German Shepard. Just as she was about to start braiding her hair, a knock sounded on her door. The girl turned her head just as the door opened, to see her friend, Danielle, or Danni, as her friends liked to call her. 

 "Morning, Danni." Grace smiled. 

 "Good morning, Grace! Just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready and ask if you needed help getting ready for the day." the light brown haired girl smiled. She was about twenty-one, a year older than Grace.

 "Yes, I would like some help," Grace nodded before replying under her breath, "As usual...." 

 "Ok then," Danni entered her friend's room and went to the dresser. "What would you like to wear? A dress or a shirt and skirt?"

 "Is Mark coming over today?" Grace asked, raising an eyebrow at Danni's options.

 "Yes, why?" 

 "Because usually you include a shirt and pants. Not just, a dress and a shirt and shirt. Though, I don't know why you want me dressed nice for Mark." 

 Danni blushed a little. Mark was her mate. He and his friend, Hudson, if Mark managed to convince him to come, were to come for lunch. Mark and Hudson were both warriors for the Shooting Star Pack. They were very good at their job and well valued. Just, Hudson usually would put being a warrior over everything else. Over himself, his friends, his family, everything. 

 "Well, yes, he is coming...He's also planning to bring a friend, if his friend is free. I just wanted you dress nice today. His friend is really important to our pack." Rex yipped happily, as if he knew something. 

 "Pack?" Grace frowned, confused, after she had looked down at Rex. She had her hand on his head.

 "Town! I meant town!" Danni quickly corrected herself.

You see, Danni was a wolf. Grace, however, was human, and had no idea she was living in a pack with a bunch of werewolves. Danielle knew her friend was human and that she didn't know about her kind, therefore, she kept it secret. The more people who knew about her kind, the more likely it was that hunters would find them.

 Hunters were humans who knew very well about were-creatures. They attacked and killed them. They wanted them extinct, therefore, the secrecy.

 Danni had known Grace since Grace was born...In fact, they were born on the same day. When Grace's parents died a few years back, Danielle welcomed her into her home, not caring about the secret of her kind. She only cared about her friend, who now, had nowhere to go. 

 Grace nodded slowly, still confused. "Well, alright...In answer to your question, I guess I'll take the shirt and skirt." 

 Danni nodded and took out a couple choices. "Purple or white skirt? And for the shirt, yellow or pink?"

 "White. As for the top, I think I'll go with pink." Grace answered. 

 Danni nodded and put the purple skirt and yellow shirt away. She then, walked over to Grace to help her change. When she had finished, she ran a brush through her hair and put a black headband in it.

 "I know you were planning to put your hair back, as usual, but you look so much prettier with your hair down. You really should wear it down more often." Danni smiled, pushing her friend's wheelchair out of the room and to the dining room, Rex following after them.

 Grace just smiled and shook her head. "Maybe I will someday." Rex seemed to smile at his mistress, who smiled down at him.


 Hudson Judge and Mark Rogerson were in the training field, sparring with each other.

 "Come on, bro. You haven't had a break in weeks if not months! You need a chance to relax and just take it easy." Mark declared before throwing a punch, which Hudson dodged.

 "Maybe some other time, Mark. I need to work on my sneak attacks." 

 "Hudson, your sneak attacks are fine!" Mark told him before backflipping to avoid an attack.

 "No, they aren't. I'm still too noisy. I need to keep it as quiet as possible if I am to get to head warrior." Hudson said, running over to Mark and kicking.

 Mark dodged. "Your putting too much pressure on yourself. Wanting to be like your dad is a great goal. But your dad never put training over everything else. When was the last time you even saw your parents?"

 Hudson thought for a moment as he dodged a kick from Mark. "A few weeks, I think."

At that Mark stopped and stared at him. He threw a punch, hitting Hudson square in the jaw.

 "Ow! Nice shot." Hudson said, rubbing his jaw.

 "Hudson Judge! You seriously haven't gone to see your parents in a few weeks?? Last week was Mother's Day, too, stupid!" 

 "I called her." Hudson said defensively.

 "That isn't enough. You live close enough to see them every day. They're like, ten minutes away by car!"

 "I just don't have the time. I want dad to be proud of me. I need to uphold my family heritage." Hudson said, trying to avoid a kick in the leg by Mark, but failed. He fell to the ground in pain. 

 "Now listen here, Hudson, wanting the things you want, there is nothing wrong with it. But your putting being a warrior above everything! Have you even been looking for your mate? You told me you smelled her scent. So, she's in this pack."

 Hudson shook his head and slowly stood up. "I've been more focused on this than finding my other half..."

 "Wonderful. Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if when you met her, she began to think you didn't want her!" Mark said, feeling exasperated. He shook his head and sighed. "Come on. Let's get some water." He helped Hudson, who was limping, to the cooler, which sat on a bench at the edge of the field. Hudson sat down on the bench while Mark got him some water.

 "Thanks, Mark." Hudson said, as he took the paper cup.

 "No problem. Is your leg ok? I didn't mean to hit you that hard." 

 "I've been hurt worse. I'll be fine." Hudson reassured him. "Though, I may have to put off training for today...." 

 "Maybe you could come with me to Danielle's house, then?" Mark suggested hopefully.

 Hudson sighed. "Alright. Why not?" 

 "Yes!" Mark cheered, throwing his water in the air. 

 Hudson smiled and shook his head with a chuckle. "Let's go change. If you expect me to go to your mate's house, I'm not wearing these sweaty clothes." Mark nodded and helped his friend to the men's locker room.

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