•Super Y/N• {Pt.2}

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'It won't be long now'
Y/N assured themself, genuinely antsy to get some action done. It must have been long past morning by now, and yet they heard no upheavel even when the attack should have been coming around one o'clock. Impaitent as they were to be able to fight, come back, pretend to wake up, and being to continue their normal schedule, Y/N sat, or layed, quiet. The second day of pretending to be unconscious was worst than the first, somehow. They spent their time mulling about facts and fighting. Recalling some minor events here, thinking about what techniques they may use there, it was all great preparation, even if it was only to pass the time. The person who would come in every so often the day before continued their behavior today, checking in on Halim often. Their soft footsteps clicking across the cold floor. One thing they learned from listening to those footsteps is that they likely belonged to more than just one person. A rotation of people coming in to see in any progress was being made, however there was one person who visited most often. The person who these dainty steps belonged to. Y/N got used to the rythm, and from their lightness and gait, they discovered who it was. Although they hadn't put much thought to it previously, it was now pretty obvious who it likely was. Kalie. Atleast, they assumed, she fit the bill, but there were many care takers likely not shown in the story. For now, until they were sure, Y/N would assumed that it was Kalie until proven otherwise.

Admist the sound of her light steps across the tiled floor there was almost a small crack. Both hearing it, Kalie paused to listen while Y/N could only lay and try to tune into whatever may have caused it. Being met with only silence, the young girl continued her walk to the patient. When she had reached the bedside, she moved to sit down on whatever space was clear to more easily examine Halim, however such an action was cut short when the whole room shook with a loud boom, knocking Kalie off her feet. Falling backwards into a nearby bedpost, the back of her head slammed into the wood, causing blood to being to seep into her hair. Light blue turning a dark shade of crimson. As much as Y/N wished to jump up out of bed at the sound of what could of very well been an explosion, followed by that sickening crack, they forced themself to stay stationary. That sneaking around and self inflicted bedriddance would not be for nothing. Soon after Kalie pulled her self up unsteadily the door crashed open, two pairs of footsteps dancing into the room.
"Oh, Miss.VonSari!" One of them, a young man by the sounds of it, called panikedly. Quick and hushed muttering followed as the pair of nurses aided Kalie in standing steadily.
"We need to get you somewhere safe, someone has attacked the school. The other staff is there waiting." Explained an older women, the second of the pair, as calmly as she could. Noddingly weakly, head pounding from her hit, Kalie was soon ushered out of the room.

'Sounds like my cue.'

Y/N quickly got out of bed one they heard the three rush out of the room. Easily crossing the room to a large potted plant in the corner, Y/N kneeled down and dragged their bag out from behind it. There wasn't any great places to change nearby, so they'd just save time and do it here. Abandoning their hospitalgown-like clothing, Y/N quickly began layering on. Starting with basic clothing, shirt, pants, socks. Then layering in armor, chest plate, arm guards, shin guards.
If applicable : Once finished with armor, Y/N pulled their hair up, tieing it back with a small black elastic.
Taking the mask from the bag, they strapped it on, tightening the leather, belt-like strap at the back to hold it on better. Slipping the white gloves on to their hands, and cape around their shoulders, they were finished remarkably quickly. Sadly, Y/N found no scabered to put the sword in the night before, they'd just have to carry it. Messyly smearing on some lipstick and blush where needed to add a little life to their dull skin, they were finished with everything. And just in time too as a second explosion shook the building.

Just as Y/N was hastily crossing the room to the door, they mentally checked off anything they may have forgotten or anything that could give them away as themself. Thinking of all their most prominently dead features, they paused just before the open door. Their non-dominant hand coming up to their face, they thought 'my eyes... The mask won't cover them.'
Quickly taking a scan of the room they looked for anything they could use, eyes landing on a small roll of pale yellow bandages laying abandoned on the floor near Halim. It was the closest and most convient thing nearby, so it would have to do. Running back over to the beds they fetched the roll, which must have been dropped by Kalie when she came over. With that thought, Y/N looked over to Halim curiously. Pulling down the sheets slightly, they found that a section of the girls chest, partially uncovered by the I'll fitting gown, was wrapped in the same pale yellow bandages.
'Guess that's what landed her here somehow.' they remarked, pulling the cover back up. They had to be going now. Going back to the door for the final time, they called over their shoulder to the unconscious girl ;
"I'll see you later, stay safe while I do your job now!"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

With the strip of bandage covering their eyes, Y/N had slightly more trouble than usual seeing as they surveyed the view in front of them. From the precarious safety of the now tattered curtain blocking their figure from the people below, Y/N eyed their future opponents meticulously from behind the partially shattered window. Directly below them, on the west side of the school was a group of ten people stalking around as a group. They all wore the same armour, with a few minor exceptions Y/N noticed in three members of the group. One at the front, one at the back and one in the middle. Apart from the quintet, the soldiers--as they seemed to be--wore an outfit not dissimilar to Y/N's own. Much more practical to true combat then their training scraps, but noticeably similar. A torso piece made of two seperate plates, a chest and stomach, for better articulation while keeping protection in mind. Slightly spiked shoulder pieces connected to armor protecting the other arm, and below on one hand a normal arm guard and on the other a full on gauntlet. On their legs were cuisses and greaves on the theighs and shin respectivly, and their footwear seemed to just be their normal boots from the variety. Connecting the different pieces of slightly tarnished dark silver metal, were various small plates that clinked as they moved. Each of their heads and faces covered by hulking helmets. All in all, they looked as if they could have been the more intimidating version of Y/N's current attire.

The three who stood out wore armor similar to the others, from what Y/N could tell beyond their flowing cloaks. It was much more lightweight however, and from the metal revealed by the soft winds outside, it also held a gemstone near the tops of each piece. 'Magic users?' Y/N guessed.

'Not as bad as it could be...' Y/N mused as they watched them move. The better quality armor would definitely be inconvient, especially with their dull little practice sword. It's not like Y/N was expected them to not be armored...they just put it on the back burner of their mind to stay optimistic. '..its not like I'll be fighting them all at once though, only getting involved with the important characters.... And whoever else is dumb enough to not have run away or gotten to the safe rooms.'

Questions 4U!
I'm thinking about having some extra yanderes asides from the main crew I'm creating. If I did so, would you guys prefer if I gave some characters some minor yandere qualities
Make some (partially) side characters full on yanderes with just less screen time.
If you guys and anymore sugestions on how to do this, I'd love to hear them.
P.S. If I do go through with either options, you guys can request/suggest characters.

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