•Bulling Prevention Squad• {Pt.1}

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The duo easily meandered through the near empty halls. Most of the other students had seemingly found their way to one area, if Y/N's hearing was serving them right. A lot of talking came from an unseen place further back down the hall, the same way Andori had chosen not to go. His pace was swift, and it seemed he knew where he was going, but Y/N was still a little doubtful of the situation and his decision. This part of the school year was never shown in game so they didn't have any prior knowledge to work off of. It would make sense for Andori to go towards where the other students were, mingle, get popular, pinpoint emotional weaknesses... The normal stuff, but here he was, leading the two quickly through the halls. Finally, after a swift right turn, he slowed down at the sight of a door at the end of a very short passage leading off the main hall they were previously in. It wasn't like Y/N was tired... It took a lot more these days than a brisk walk, it's just they were relieved to be assumedly almost to the destination Andori had oh so clearly decided on. Not waiting for his servant to do it for him, the ravanet twisted the handle and pushed open the door. The bodies of both Y/N and Andori were immediately covered in colourful light, as well as most of the surrounding area. Carrying on, the marquess swiftly made his way into the bright room, Y/N on his heels.

Entering, the duo was met with a positively gorgeous place. From wall to glass wall, the small space was packed with colourful foliage. It seems wherever they were was a small green house connected directly to the school. The glass peigns that made up the semi-circulair room were primarily made up of normal glass, but the farthest pegins from the door, as well as the ones closest to the curving ceiling were made up of daunting vibrant colours. The stained glass seemed to follow a pattern of astral themed imagery ranging from the sun and stars to the different moon patterns. At some point during Y/N's pause to wonder at the sight, Andori had gone back and closed the door behind them.

"The boy mentioned this old green house during the tour," Andori began explaining, "but we never went in. I thought it'd be a good use of ou-... My free time to check it out." As he spoke, he brushed by Y/N, trailing his fingers across the leaves of a large potted plant. After walking away a few more paces, he suddenly stopped, crossing his arms infront of himself. "Do you like it?" He asked in an ambiguous tone. The boy's face was still turned away, so that wouldn't be a good indicator of whatever he was getting at.
"I mean... Yeah. It's really pretty in here." Y/N responded, sort of flatly. Still a little concerned about his behavior, they decided to try to keep a little distance between themselve's and the capture target. It wouldn't due them any good to play main character and capture any hearts. No good at all...
Andori hummed. He stretched one arm out next to him to swipe a finger across the lip of a pot resting on a tall wooden shelf.

"A little dusty." He remarked, rubbing his fingers together.
"A little." The [H/C] said dryly.
"But not a terrible place." Andori said.
"Nope..." Y/N agreed.
"Maybe I could get you to clean this up a little... It would be a nice place to be able to come to between classes." The ravanet continued.
Y/N gave a sound between a scoff and a laugh.
"Why would I be the one cleaning up here? Doesn't this school have janitors?" They asked, rolling their eyes at the boy despite him not being able to see.
"I would hope so, but it could stay our little secret. It looks like no one's used this place in a while so perhaps they don't bother with it any more. And if they don't bother with the room, they wouldn't bother.......Me." He said, his words becoming slightly quieter as he continued to talk, almost like he was embarrassed.... Imagine.

"I guess we'll just have to see how much time I have on my hands when I'm not fighting wolves and such..." As if talking about it brought back the pain, Y/N felt the dull stinging of the remaining wounds on their hands. After the altercation with the wild animal, Y/N had been whisked away to a healer. Because they were... Well, dead, their body didn't have any of the required systems to regenerate itself anymore, so just bandaging it up and waiting for it to heal wasn't an option. I mean, even if they could heal naturally, Y/N wouldn't be the most happy with having several holes digging partially or entirely through their hands. But, the process wasn't perfect, something about souls and life force... As Andori spoke with the resident healer, the [H/C]'s attention was drawn elsewhere. Specifically, to the baby blue hair of a short girl that would go by occasionally. The sister of Tyie, Kalie VonSari.

Speaking of...

"Who's that over there?" Andori questioned, pointing through the a dusty peign of the unstained glass. A short, tanned girl with pastel blue hair was being slowly cornered by three boys from Andori's class. "I don't recognize her from anywhere in the school..." He said thoughtfully, then grinning slightly, "do you think she's trespassing? I've never heard of someone breaking into the school's grounds. I wonder how she'll be punished?" His hand which was previously pointing at Kalie was now dragging at the bottom of Andori's lower lip as he watched the situation.
"She's not a trespasser..," Y/N sighed, "She's Tyie's sister." A small gasp escaped Andori lips at the new information.
"Is she now?... How could I not link their features?! That hair especially..." He said, his self-decpticating tone soon turn judgementally to the girl instead of himself. Y/N walked up behind Andori, leering over his shoulder to get a better view of the situation. Looking around there was a few people in the outdoor area, but they were either to stupid to realise what was happening, or too scared to do anything about it.
"Doesn't look like anyone is going to help her, does it?" The undead half-whispered. In response the boy shook his head. "Should we?..." Before they could even finish, Andori shook his head no once again.
"If she can't help herself, why should we help her?"

'Brutal...' Y/N thought, but they never said anything outloud. It didn't look like they'd be able to convince Andori even if they were more passionate about wanting to aid.
'to think she gets picked on like this with a brother like hers... I guess it only feeds to his protectiveness.'

"Why would you want to help her anyways? I feel like I myself can barely get you to do anything for me, yet here you are wanting to help a stranger with nothing in return." The boy suddenly added, his tone sharp. His gaze towards to small group was now scornful, and with his words just now, Y/N could only assume it was directed not only to the harrasers, but the victim too...or... maybe just Kalie.
In the following silence, it gave Y/N a chance to reflect, and then to think of something clever. Their [E/C] eyes slid to the floor as they began to plan their words.
"But... What if I did have something to gain? She helps out in the nursery don't you know... She could probably bring down those costs." They said slowly, as if they hadn't just planned the interaction out.
"Mhm, don't think I didn't see that pretty penny you had to hand over to the healer to fix me up. Even if she can't do the healing herself, she may be able to convince him to go easier on us."
"And maybe he'll try a little harder to get me healed up completely!"
"I do think he could put in a little more effort."
"Exactly, she could be pretty helpful if and when I get hurt again."
Y/N couldn't exactly place why they wanted to help the girl... Maybe this is what all the male leads felt when they continuously save the heroine. Wait , minute- that would mean-... Nah. We can just chalk it up to being a 'good person', yeah.
"Oh alright." Andori decided. He turned on his heel to leave the green house, with no door in the room except the one to the short hallway, they'd have to walk part way through the school. Walking fast enough to make it clear he wanted to get this overwith as soon as possible, the two would be reaching their destination at frightening speeds.

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