•BookClub• {Pt.2}

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This first class, as it turned out, didn't have much actual work involved. It was mainly focused on students getting into their groups and figuring out how their work would be laid out. Getting into groups involved everyone deciding on their book choice and telling Me.Kiern themself in a rather tedious process of lining up and waiting. Y/N wondered why no one had thought of a solution for that... But it wasnt their problems since they got to stay at Andori's seat while he went over for his pick. After informing Me.Kiern, all the tables were segmented into the four groups, some tables being unused while others spilled into other groups. Both Andori and Polis had decided to read 'The Rose Thorned Heart', among many of the rest of the class. Most of the class being girls. Many of them now all trying to fit at the table the two boys were at. You can imagine why.
As some of the girls sublty tried flirting with Andori, Y/N noticed he would glance back up at them every so often. They'd have to ask him about that later.
The premise of the groups, Y/N would now be mentally addressing as 'bookclubs' due to that random student, was basically read five chapters individually, then discuss with the group and answer comprehension questions. A bookclub. To Y/N, five felt like a lot, that is, until they learned how long the book was.
Approximately 72.


Ignoring the unnessicairy amount of chapters, and how long it would take to read them, the overall unit seemed pretty easy. Provided Y/N's mental math was correct, it would be about... 7 classes until finished. There's two classes a week, so that makes ten chapters per week. And ten times seven is 70 so... It adds up. That would make the final project of the unit be assigned some time next week. Which aligns with the original plot where, since Mai arrives close to the start of the second week of school, she didn't have time to read the books, Mr.Kiern doesn't care and assigns her the project anyways, the player then has a choice between letting Tyie help them out,or, having prince who brought her to school help her out, both raise the affections of either boy, but taking up the prince on his offers ends up getting you a bad grade. It's the first major decision in the game.

The little class discussions, and shameless flirting was utterly boring for Y/N, driving them to mathematics and reminiscing about plot points. The irrataing motivation to think about the games story now that it was actually getting close could be useful for starting to mark out important plot points that would be convient to be aware of. They would have done this in the month or so they had at Andori's house before coming to school, but they procrastinated it enough to push it until now.

Admittedly, Y/N was a little put off from it by the fact that Mai was hear early in the story and then may slightly alter other things later. But mostly just not having a higher base affection stat with the older prince, Serak, due to the week they spent together before going to school.
'Oh yeah..' Y/N thought, remembering. Mai arrived in this world from... The angle realm?...--Somewhere mystical and good that wasn't very touched on, unimportant for the moment,--on the night before the first day of school, landing in Serak's personal hunting territory. The two hang out and bond after Serak finds her in the woods, but when the week ends it's revealed that Serak was only allowed the first week off of school, so he would have to leave to go to school soon. There's an actually really amusing part where the player gets a choice of two dialogs, one of them suggesting they could come with him...and if they don't choose that option?
Game over! The 'unfullfilled end'. The first and easiest one to get.
Anyways, playthroughs aside, it's the reason why the two get to school late.

After that, there's about two days where nothing happens and it's just interacting with the main cast, getting the affections up, the usual romance stuff. But then, during some school event celebrating a harvest holiday, which gets doubled as a start of school celebration, the students get attacked. Theres some action stuff, and when it's all over there's some opputunitys to bond with injured love interests. This one thing leads to the rest of the plot, where the characters have to defeat the big bad to save the world. Five--to six, depending on the time-- random teenagers, the dream team to do so.

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