Chapter 48 - A Frizzy Day

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Chapter 48 — A Frizzy Day

Chapter 48 — A Frizzy Day

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"Look, uh, when Y/n died..."


Okay, so maybe now that Harry knew that Y/n was alive that he was overthinking everything. Number one: he regretted kissing Cho Chang. Sure, he tried to justify it. They were both grieving, they were under the mistletoe, and then it just... happened. But even trying to justify it made him feel horrible because a few days later he was at Wayne Manor spending the holidays with the girl he thought was dead. And Cedric was alive!

Harry knew he couldn't tell Y/n about that.

Number two: why was Dumbledore acting so... so... distant? Unresponsive? Either way, it was making Harry frustrated.

And Number three: Umb1tch, the ultimate source of frustration and anger. Oh how Harry wished she was fired.

But back to Cho Chang and Y/n. This situation certainly made Harry regret everything.

He paced his dormitory. Ron had no helpful advice because even he didn't know what to do in that situation. Even worse, Cho Chang had been hinting towards Harry about a Valentine's Day date during DA practices. At the same time Harry had been writing in his magical notebook with Y/n to keep in touch.

Sitting down on his bed he ruffled his hair, causing something to squeak as it was flinged and fell on the edge of Harry's bed. Quickly, Harry turned towards it, grabbing his wand just in case. Was it Pettigrew?

Harry watched as a lump moved under the covers. Whatever it was must have gotten underneath accidentally while trying to get back on top of the bed. Getting off the bed, Harry whispered a quick "wingardium leviosa," lifting the blanket up.


"Frizz? What are you doing here?" Harry went towards the tiny bowtruckle, carefully letting him on top of his hand. The tiny bowtruckle looked up at Harry, giving him his largest smile.

"Oh, and don't forget to take care of him–... And besides, I wasn't talking about Shroud when I said to take care of him–"

"Y/n sneaked you on me, didn't she?" Harry asked Frizz, who happily nodded at him, happy to be with him. Harry sighed, but couldn't help but smile as he allowed Frizz to hide in his hair. Well, at least Harry could show Frizz to Hagrid.



"Sorry Cho, not right now. I've got lessons with Snape and if I'm any later he'll be livid." Escaping Cho to head to his dreaded Occlumency lessons, Harry speed walked down the halls.

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