Chapter 42 - Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 42 — Home Sweet Home

"But you never said I couldn't have a girlfriend!"

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"But you never said I couldn't have a girlfriend!"

A/n: RIP Robbie Coltrane, "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."


She was gone again. Tim's hands wouldn't stop moving, shaking, the coffee in his mug was shaking.

"...Tim? Are you alright?" Y/n's voice came from behind him, and he snapped out of his trance.

"Sorry- I didn't- I mean-" Tim stuttered before he felt his mug being gently taken away from his hands and a hug shortly following.

"I guess all my family needs hugs. I mean, I already cuddled with Damian the past week so if you'd like some cuddles too I don't mind." Y/n had already been at home for a week and wasn't allowed to go anywhere without at least one person watching her (that person mainly being Damian).

"Sorry Y/n... I'm usually more composed than this. It's just that.. I was with you, and then he came and-"

"It's over Tim." Y/n stated patiently, "Let's go watch a movie. How about something with magic creatures and I'll tell you which ones are closest and which ones I wish existed."

Y/n guided Tim to the couch and finally Tim's heart was at rest. His family was okay. Y/n was okay. He was okay.


A short break brought to you by this separator... please remember to drink water and rest your eyes! In the meantime, why don't you decide a name for this separator, you can say hi to them in future chapters:

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"I never seem to have enough time with you, do I?" Bruce asked, sighing as he turned away from the paper on his desk.

"I mean, we do write to each other, but I have been missing spending time with you." Y/n shyly admitted.

Bruce looked at his paperwork before pushing it aside, "Want to head out for lunch?"

"Fast food!? Yes please!"

"Don't tell Alfred."


"You know Alfred, you're amazing."

"Thank you Miss Y/n."

"Do you wanna hang out with me-"

"I'm afraid not, Miss Y/n, I still have things-"

"You don't. I've done them all. I asked Bruce and Tim, and Damian, and everyone and they told me everything that you do, so I did them. Dinner isn't in a while so... paint with me?"

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