Chapter 47 - Undertale

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Chapter 47 — Undertale

Chapter 47 — Undertale

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It was clear that before Y/n could break the barrier, they had to handle the kid. Sans, after a couple of days researching with him, had finally come to trust Y/n a bit more. He told Y/n about how the spirit of the first fallen human, Chara, aided the kid in killing monsters.

Chara, to Y/n, was an obvious short form for Character. But Chara was also a spirit. At first, she thought Chara was the culprit of controlling the kid, but from her knowledge of games from Tim, aren't characters chosen? Characters were chosen by gamers or players playing the game. But if this applied to this universe, would Y/n be in a universe of code? She hoped not. Tim was the techy, not her.

Continuing her thought process, if players did have access to this world and only saw it as a game, why would this player repeatedly kill monsters over and over again, not even trying to make friends with monsters once (at least, according to Sans)?

A player explained the mouse cursor she saw in the kid's soul. If anything, Y/n would need to examine the kid's soul again, but there was almost no chance of that happening. It would be risky to reveal herself to the kid, the possible player, again. The player would be determined to kill her and would reset over and over again until they did.

Perhaps the difficulty of killing monsters amused the player to no end that they reset to experience it again. And if there was a player, what could Y/n do?-

A hand ruffled Y/n's hair, "Go take a break bud, you've been staring at that page for a long time."

Sans smiled at the girl who huffed and playfully shooed his hand away, "Sans, stop!"

His hand continued to mess with her hair, and Y/n had to stand up and move away from her work to avoid Sans's hand. "How long do we have?"

"The kid's in Waterfall right now. Undyne should keep them busy for a bit. Want anything from Grillby's?"

"Uh, (a burger/fries) please?"

"Got it." Sans disappeared and quite quickly reappeared with the goods. "Here ya go."

"Thanks Sans."

Y/n ate her food, pondering on her plan. If she could look into the mind of the kid, it would reveal if the player or if Chara was the one controlling the mouse cursor. And, she could find the power of the cursor. With that knowledge she could figure out a counter-curse to get rid of the controller forever, or at least separate them from the kid and make them their own entity.

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