Chapter 18: Iron Lad vs Silver Sable

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(Iron Lad is seen flying to the top of a tower, where he suddenly sees a silver haired woman wearing silver clothing.)

????: I was wondering when you'd come, Iron Lad

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????: I was wondering when you'd come, Iron Lad.

Iron Lad: I don't have time for this. Adam Taurus! Where is he?

????: Tsk. I can show you a better time than that masked bull freak.

Iron Lad: You're in charge here?

????: My people know me as Sablinova, but the rest of the world knows me as Silver Sable. And you... your reputation precedes you. Smart, but white as snow, denied your purpose as a child.

Iron Lad: That was a long time ago.

Silver Sable: I was born in Symkaria, you know.

Iron Lad: And?

Silver Sable: We had our own civil war in the 90s. So you see? Cut from the same cloth, you and I.

Iron Lad: You don't know me.

Silver Sable: I lost someone I knew... but I butchered those fuckers. My father's killers. That's when I realized... I am a huntress, too. And a good one at that. (slowly approaches Jaune) I hunted down dozens in Iraq, in Afghanistan... I'd found my calling.

Iron Lad: (points his propulsor at her) Proud of that, aren't you?

Silver Sable: What happened, happened. To be honest, I found it quite dull. Most of them fell like domino, one after another. Only when I faced Spider-Man, I felt threatened. He gave me a challenge unlike the others. At least, he has a cause to fight for. And then I met him.

(Suddenly a White Fang Soldier sneaks up, trying to attack Iron Lad, who blasts him away.)

Iron Lad: Norman Osborn, right?

Silver Sable: And I know what I'd been missing. Ever since the him. Ideals, Iron Lad. What are yours?

Iron Lad: (confused) I... protect the weak.

(Silver Sable chuckles as she notices Robin trying to stab her, and shoots him down before knocking him out with a kick on his face.)

SIlver Sable: Still... so naive.

Iron Lad: And if I must kill to protect them... (gets in his fighting stance) so be it!

(Rogur charges at Silver Sable, who simply grabs her neck and slams her down before stomping her back.)

Silver Sable: It seems we have less in common than I thought.

Iron Lad: I'll take that as a compliment.

Silver Sable: If you would kill for your ideals, then surely you are ready to die for them!

(Then she draws her pistols and gets in her fighting stance.)

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