Chapter 4: Stopping a Terrorist Attack

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(New York is seen having a peaceful time until a terrorist group attacks the city.)

(At New York Academy Main Room, Batman is seen talking with Team SWPR about the situation)

Batman: Someone is leading a terrorist attack in New York. Your mission is to find their leader and stop their terrorist acts as fast as possible.

Iron Lad: Got it. Leave it to us!

Batman: I'm counting on you!

(At New York, the terrorists are seen shooting everywhere, not caring about anything. Then Iron Lad, Robin, Spider-Man and Iceman come in)

Iron Lad: Team SWPR Assemble!

(Robin draws his sword, Iceman prepared an ice beam and Spider-Man gets in a fighting stance.)

Terrorist: FIRE!!!

(The terrorists shoot, but Iceman creates an ice wall as Iron Lad flies and starts shooting the terrorists down. Robin pins one of the terrorists and beats him to a pulp. Spider-Man webs the remaining terrorists.)

Iron Lad: Jonas, who is the leader of this terrorist attack?

Jonas: It looks like Deathstroke somehow got out of Arkham Asylum some days ago.

Robin: That's not possible!

Spider-Man: I wonder if the Kingpin has something to do with it.

Robin: King...what?

Spider-Man: Kingpin. He leads various criminal activities. He even has a way to turns the police officers to his side.

Iceman: We gotta find this Deathstroke.

Iron Lad: Jonas, can you track Deathstroke?

Jonas: Working on it, sir.

(Meanwhile at Stark Tower, Pepper Potts is seen making a search in her computer until JARVIS warns her about something.)

JARVIS: Warning. Intruder Alert.

(Then Pepper checks the cameras and sees Deathstroke.)

Pepper: JARVIS. Send some drones to distract him.

JARVIS: It won't be necessary.

Pepper: Why?

JARVIS: Because Team SWPR is coming to hunt him down.

Pepper: So the terrorist attack was only a decoy.

(Deathstroke is seen infiltrating the tower until a web comes out of nowhere and takes his sword.)

Deathstroke: Huh? (notices someone took his sword) My sword!

(Then Deathstroke draws his gun)

Deathstroke: Show up!!

Spider-Man: Hey, Deadstroke!

(Deathstroke turns around and sees Spider-Man.)

Spider-Man: Looking for something? (shows the sword) Come and get it!

(Furious, Deathstroke tries to shoot Spider-Man down, but Spider-Man misses each shot.)

Spider-Man: Man, now I can see why you lose to Deadpool.

(Deathstroke tries to shoot Spider-Man, but this time with two pistols.)

Deathstroke: SHUT UP, BRAT!

Spider-Man: Ooooooh, it looks like I touched a nerve. How about you cool your head down?

(Then Deathstroke's legs are frozen by Iceman.)

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