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Jessica Nobuhlebenkosazane Shangase'POV

"I don't like sharing Benkosazane Wami , don't make me kill people" the message says.

And I immediately know who the message is from.

It's him , Nhlonipho , his the only one who calls me Benkosazane Wakhe , so he knows what I do ? Yet he doesn't call or text ? He knows who I was with ? He knows where I went to ? Yet he did nothing to call .

Fuck him ! I hate him right now and I'm very angry .

Who does he think he is? I once got fooled and I'm not going down that road again , not now not ever .

I block his number , besides he said he'll call once his in Durban and not once did he , and how does he know who was I with today? Is he stalking me ? Naah I don't believe so.

Sigh , this is Frustrating , I switch of the lights and go to Dream land .

Waking up is a challenge but then I remember that I don't have anything to do today , sigh , I need a job , I can't always rely on my savings and my other businesses , people will say ngithwele ( sacrifice for richness) , they'll say I sacrificed my mother for the richness which is not the truth .

I switch on my phone and a lot of messages buzz in 'You have 30 messages from 073*****64 ' who's number is this?

I click on the message and it's Nhlonipho
'Blocking me won't help you '
'answer your phone Nobuhlebenkosazane '
'you don't want me to came there do you '
'okay sorry , I'm worried , can you answer your phone so we can talk'
'I'll explain myself'
'Sthandwa Sami (My love) , Benkosazane Wami '
'Nobuhlebenkosazane unblock me now! or else you won't like the punishment I'll give you!'
Then they are some threatening message from him but the last one catches my eyes
'Fuck, I'm coming '

What does that mean? His coming ? Here ? Ohhh no .

Is Nhlonipho insane ? Jezz the message was sent 4 hrs ago that means it was sent at 4hrs34 because it's 8hrs 34 now , ohh boy

I immediately get up and run to the shower.


Nhlonipho Rellik Zulu's POV

Fuck , she blocks me ? Me ? She doesn't know me , I'll punish her tight sexy ass she'll never think of doing something like this anymore.

"Sir please fasten your seatbelts we're about to land " the airlady says , she looking at me with seducing eyes , but they won't work on me , only one eyes intoxicate me , and that Benkosazane Wami's eyes

Today she'll learn a lesson to never disrespect me like this , she could have ignored my message or something but block me? She doesn't know me and today she'll learn .

The jet lands and I immediately get up heading to the door with Khuma following me behind , Khuma is My trusted security man more like a friend .

He takes the drivers sit and I sit on the passengers side , he knows me I'm too angry to drive ,

"Her place?" he asks as he drives of the airports back-entry , not giving me a glare just staring at the and his eyes fixed in the car steering wheel

" Mmh " I hum agreeing .

After 30 minutes of sitting in this car he finally stops , and I get of heading inside , thank god I came with the apartment key , it's early in the morning , just after 6 am , I get inside and look around , it's clean , she's clean and I love it , I go straight to the main bedroom and I open the door , she sleeping , peacefully , I look at her and I almost forget about what she did , almost

I shake my head and go to the Sitting area , I take a sit on the main sofa that is a one sit and I wait for her till she wakes up .


I've been sitting here for almost 2 hours now , to say that did not make me anymore angry would be a lie , this means yesterday she enjoyed her time with that guy , she enjoyed to a point that she is sleeping longer , fuck I'll kill anyone who get close to her , anyone , she's mine to look, to touch , to see , to hear , she mine to do everything , only mine , and I won't share , not now not ever!

I hear some movement in her room and I know that she's now woken up , I hear the sound of her bedroom door open and close and I hear her footsteps getting closer , she goes to the kitchen without glaring at the sitting area , so she did not notice me? I fume at that .

She takes a glass and pure herself water , then she walks , I think she felt my eyes at her because she looks up and her eyes meet with mine , the glass she's holding slip through the hand and it crushes to the floor ,

"Nhlonipho" she calls out my name ,

"Nobuhlebenkosazane" I'm angry for pet names , she may look good in her white big t-shirt and socks , and she may smell raveshing but she needs to learn a lesson!


Short and sweet 🤭.

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