Amelie Wiki + Fun Facts

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Riku-Amelie Harai | リクアメリハライ(?)

"Being cautious of the unknown sounds boring, why not explore it?"

—Amelie Harai, Chapter 15

(Riku) Amelie Harai is the deuteragonist of Incalculable, who is the friend of Taiju Oki, Yuzuriha Ogawa, and is best friends with Senku Ishigami. She was de-petrified four months after Senku, two months before Taiju was, and eventually assisted Senku in creating the Revival Fluid.

In the Kingdom of Science, Amelie is a Geographer, makeshift nurse, mechanic, carpenter, and architect, but due to her vast skills, she is considered an all-rounder. Later in the Dr. Stone series, she also works as a translator for the team.

In the Kingdom of Science, Amelie is Senku's right-hand, she advises him and shares ideas, helps put them into motion, and takes over occasionally when he needs a break.


Amelie is a toned, athletic young woman of average height with wavy blonde hair that fades into blue ends, which she often has pulled back (though she has a habit of losing the rope she uses to tie her hair back).

Amelie's stone markings are along her right eye, diagonal across her hip, and a Y-shaped marking on her right hand.

Before petrification, Amelie often wore black or dark-colored clothes, as well as accessories that she wears in and out of school. After waking up in the stone world, she wore a sleeveless dress with a slit in the side, undershorts, and boots made by Senku from animal hide. After she and Senku get comfortable outside of Ishigami village, she decides to ditch the skirt in favor of her undershorts and creates a tube top from it, also creating a long open coat with pockets so it's easier to hide blades.


Amelie is a very confident, laid-back, sarcastic, and rugged individual who can come off as edgy or rebellious to order, rules, and knowledge. In spite of this, she's more likely to be the most intelligent person in the room wherever she goes. She chooses to hold back on revealing everything she's capable of, not one to show all her cards to even her closest friends.

Amelie believes logic is an important factor in life, finding it easier to control than emotions, but she also finds strength in feelings on certain occasions.

Despite so often being judged by appearance, she's not quick to judge others at face value, offering a courtesy she didn't often receive. Once she is comfortable enough with others, her true colors show. Due to her unintentional charisma, mystery, and protective nature, she often finds herself surrounded by a curious being looking to know more about her.

Amelie can have dramatic mood swings, from dark humor and threats to overwhelming laughter and joy, this keeps the guard up of anyone who knows her. Amelie is a girl who can adapt to situations quickly, which makes her a great quick-thinking ally. Amelie honors honesty and does not like blatant lying when there is ill-will behind it. Amelie loves to be challenged, she's quick to try something new or go on an adventure. Her free-spirited behavior causes her to quickly gain boredom when there is nothing for her to do, this is why she prefers to be around Senku, as he always does something that entertains her.

Also due to her being free-spirited, she picks up interests as she pleases, which causes her to have a vast knowledge of many things. And does not like when others are too strict or pressure her to do something.

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