Millenniums of Darkness

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Amelie Pov:

0:01 seconds after petrification.

What's going on? Why is it dark? The last thing I remember is that green light, then silence. I can't move and I'm probably not the only one like this. Are Taiju and Yuzuriha okay? Is Senku? Byakuya?...Father?

30:00 minutes after petrification

I'm bored. How long is this gonna last?

I want to get out. How do I entertain myself?

I usually don't have this much time to myself to be in my head this long.

Maybe start thinking about some random facts? Like, many feet bones don't harden until you're an adult.

1:00:00 hours after petrification

I need to get out. I can't–I can't do anything, I can't move. I can't stand being helpless like this. I–please let this end soon. I just need to–to move. Please.

24:00:00 hours after petrification

At this point, just let me die. I just want to die, being stuck like this for who knows how long.

Every time I went unconscious, I thought it was over, only for me to still be trapped in whatever I'm encased in.

Should I just stop fighting this unconsciousness and let it take me forever? It'd be easier.

So much easier.

...No. I won't give up, giving up on fighting the unconsciousness forever won't do me any good. I've got to fight, remember what I've got to try to live for. Remember the people who care about me, Taiju, Yuzuriha, Byakuya, and Senku.

Senku. He'd be disappointed by my thought process. The last time I ever gave up on anything was before I met him. He changed that, ever since that day, I never gave up on a challenge. I welcomed them, in fact.

Because of him, I followed my dreams and made my own goals. I'm forever thankful to him for that, not that I'd ever tell him that, he's cocky enough already.

I miss him already, I'm never this bored when he's around.

It's getting dark again...I know I can be a bit of an insomniac but...I don't think I've ever...lasted this long...maybe a short break...

8,760,000 hours after petrifcation

How long has it been? A month? A year? Two? I guess I was too lazy to think for too long this time. But since I'm up, might as well have a trip through memory lane, hm?


"Scallion, what are you making?"

The 2nd year middle school student, Senku, rolled his eyes, "Ever since you learned what that was, you keep calling me that."

I snorted, "Because you totally look like one, Leek."

He clutched a screwdriver that I handed him when he held his hand out, "Leek or Scallion? Which one is it, you indecisive moron?"

I just shrugged, "Well, really, you look like both so either-or."

I grabbed the box full of parts and tools and sat a few inches beside him, "You didn't answer my question."

He smirked, "I would think a mechanic like you would know before anyone else."

I looked over the machine again before snapping my fingers in realization, "Oh, that's why. You're making it wrong. No wonder I didn't know what it was."

His eye twitched, "What?"

I chuckled, "Don't worry, it's a common mistake if mechanics aren't your regular."

I let a smile break out on my face, "I'll show you, here."

I went over it in detail so he could understand everything, I know he's the type that wants all the information possible about something.

"You got it now, Scallion?"

He was too into the zone to hear me, which made me laugh loudly, "Now that you've got it you don't want any help, huh? Sounds about right."

Flashback End

We've definitely grown as friends since then.

By the time this is over...will we still have a strong friendship...or will it die just like my patience?

Would we...even...see each other again?

...Well, I'm gonna take a nap to kill some time. I don't know how long I'll be in here, since I don't have enough thoughts to last that long to save myself time.

26,280,000 Hours after petrification

I know it's had to be a long time, I've almost run out of things to think about. Mechanics, the hundreds of random facts I know, geography, architecture, carpentry.

...I remember when these things didn't even run through my mind, I was too afraid to stray from his plans...


"Dad, I um...did a career paper today..." I told him bashfully.

He raised a brow, "Oh, did you?"

I nodded and tentatively handed him the paper, "We had to draw what we wanted to be."

Once he took the paper and looked at it, he immediately frowned.


He scowled, "What is this?"

I smiled, "I think making things is really cool, so I want to be a builder!"

"I thought we talked about you being a psychologist?"

I glanced away, "I know. But I like this better, I really like building things."

He snorted, glancing up from the paper, "No, you don't. You want to be a psychologist like your mother. This is just a stupid phase of yours."

My eyes widened in alarm, "No, it's not a phase-"

I got cut off by a rip of paper, I watched in horror as my papa tore it three more times and let the pieces fall to the ground. I learned what the feeling of helplessness was for the first time.

"Now...the phase is over," he seized my wrist harshly, "You disappoint me. You must reflect on this rebellion."

The next thing I know, I was locked in a dark room, that's how I learned to not fear darkness after a few hours in there.

That day my dream was crushed, I was 8.

I stopped smiling that day and just lived to follow someone else's dream for me.

Until I met Senku...

Flashback End

32,412,000 Hours after petrification

I feel old, am I old? Probably. I'm tired of thinking for so long.

Man, I really miss everyone.

If I ever get out what will it be like? A dead city? Or perhaps some people have already escaped?

I need to get out, come on me! You've fought your biggest obstacle, you fought stereotypes, and you can fight this, too!

Get out!


My eye slowly opened to a cave ceiling, What? Where am I?


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