The Lioness

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   "Amelie, think you can handle it?"

But really, Senku already knew the answer.

Amelie just smirked, "You know I love a good challenge, Senku. Besides, I already got an idea."

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Amelie and Senku worked hard to complete her idea, Amelie borrowed his ax to chop away at the tree.

Soon the sun was beginning to set.

Senku started muttering his observations to Amelie, "I'd say the fallen tree weighs roughly one ton. To get it to one side would take half of that, 500 kilograms. Assuming our weight combined is roughly 110 kilograms...multiplied by the 2nd to the 3rd power to get to a bit over 500 kilograms."

Amelie shook out her hand and continued, "I think we can make it with three logs, right? If we pack bamboo with dirt, it won't be as likely to break and soap would give the rope less resistance."

"Right," Senku agreed as he lathered the rope with soap.

And finally, it was complete.

"What is this thing?" The trapped blonde muttered in confusion.

"This is science. It was invented by Old Man Archimedes a few hundred years B.C. It converts the measly strength of two high school kids into herculean might," Senku answered her.

"It's called a pulley!" Senku and Amelie jumped down together, the rope slowly lifting the tree off of her.

Senku went to tie the tree while Amelie decided to check on the girl who was still lying down.

Amelie stood in front of her, "Are you functional? You're still on the ground."


Amelie was confused while Senku was curious and looked over.

"No, I'm not talking about that Archi whoever's wisdom. I'm talking about your unwavering diligence in forcing yourself to solve a problem, and how well you work together."

The two teens who lived millenniums (technically) looked at each other, unbothered by the praise (Amelie pretended to be).

"My name is Kohaku. It seems I've taken quite a liking to you."

Amelie cringed, "Sorry, but younger girls aren't my type."

Senku was no less disgusted, "I don't like what I just heard. We just met and she's already in love? In this sense of emergency?"

Amelie shrugged, "Maybe because we saved her? Sometimes that makes people attracted."

Kohaku tied her hair before pointing at them in disbelief, "I didn't say anything about that! I'm saying I like you as people, so I'll cooperate with you!"

"That's not what you said at all. Not even close," Amelie furrowed her brows.

"Oh, I appreciate that, then," Senku answered, although Amelie noticed the slight suspicion in his expression. "Nothing is as illogical and trouble-prone as relationships."

"That's definitely true, that won't do anyone any good," Amelie laughed.

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The sun had completely set, revealing the stars hidden during the day, which made the trio decide to set up camp.

Needing their energy for the journey ahead, they laid down to rest.

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