Blood Bags

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Using the lightning and some iron sand, copper, and other items, Senku creates a tower. Using the golden spear of Kinro, they finally get the lighting to strike creating a magnet. This progression leads Senku and the others to develop a "dual-wield hand-crank generator. Ginro and Kinro are needed as a pair that is capable of working together and has a lot of energy; Gen manipulates them into helping. With the electricity, they created an "Edison light bulb of Japanese bamboo." In the end, Gen may not have any allegiance to Tsukasa but he won't have any toward Senku either it seems...for now...

The village was lit up, and Amelie was hardly able to hold back her small smile.

"We're doing it. We're finally starting to get somewhere..."

A little later, she joined her best friend on the roof of the shed of science.

"Seriously, IKEA, what kind of cheat gave you that ability?" he sighed as she quickly climbed up to him within a few beats.

She simply shrugged as she settled next to him, "Whatever cheat gave you that brain, probably."

"I've got a question."

"What's that?"

"You said you knew Gen, before all of this."

She nodded, "I did. But considering you're mentioning it, I'm guessing you want to know how?"

"Yeah. I'm just surprised by the familiarity."

She sighed, leaning back, "My father hired him for me. Figured Gen could diagnose me then 'fix' my rebellion to him."

Senku's brows furrowed, "How did I never know this?"

"To be fair, you only went to my house a handful of times...Plus, Gen was an annoying topic to bring up, like an itch that won't go away."

"He didn't succeed obviously."

"No, by week two he was acting for Father. We'd just chill out in my room and talk about stuff—at some point, I'm forced to read one of his fire-garbage books. It was a routine," Amelie chuckled.

"Is he considered a friend?"

"Ah...In a way, I guess, there's some type of something there."

"What, you've got feelings for him or something?" Senku teased.

"Wha—Ew! No way!" she swatted his arm, "Even if I was into romance, he wouldn't be my type."

"Good," he muttered absentmindedly.

"Good? Why?"

He...didn't know why he said that.

"That...It would be a distraction if you'd had feelings for him," he replied.

"Don't worry, I know. Now's not the time to get distracted by pointless things."


There was silence for a while, neither comfortable nor completely awkward, just settled in the middle.

"One year and four months...We're getting somewhere."

Amelie leaned on his shoulder, "We are. About time, we've been working crazy hard.

Senku tensed before he mustered up the courage to ask, "Amelie...are you-?"

"Don't worry, I'm still with you. We're in this together, even if we fail, idiot—don't think so low of me."

"I know, but this is a lot of pressure and you didn't ask for this."

She looked into his eyes, "Neither did you. So that isn't fair to let you do this alone when I can help."

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