Chap 1 - Meeting Asta and Yuno

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  Author's POV 

You stirred a bit waking up in an unfamiliar room. Your eyes roamed in the darkness before you sat up abruptly on the bed.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" A feminine voice inquired as you turned to see a nun entering the room.

You looked at your arms that were wrapped in bandages then glanced back at her and nodded slightly. "Much better. Thank you. . ."

You glanced at the open window, noticing the sun had already begun its descent. "Um, I have a question," you spoke up.

Approaching you, the nun held a glass of clear water and a few pain relievers, her smile warm and gentle. "Yes?"

"Can you tell me where exactly I am?" You asked looking around in confusion then looked at the nun who handed you the glass of water.

"Oh, you're in Hage village. You fell from a tree outside the church. This room is right next to the children's room. We often take in orphans, so you could say it's also an orphanage. Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Sister Lily, and I'm here to assist the Father and take care of the children who live here," she explained with a friendly smile.

You gave a slight nod, processing the information, and then your attention shifted to the glass of water you held. Having listened to her explanation, you found yourself more at ease, convinced she meant no harm.

Finishing the water and pain reliever, you returned the empty glass. "Um, so, did you treat my injuries?"

Sister Lily nodded with a gentle smile that never left her face. "Yes, your injuries were quite severe. Thankfully, I managed to treat them promptly. By the way, I couldn't help but wonder, were you involved in a confrontation of some sort?"

"U-um well. . ." you trailed off dwelling to tell her truth or not. You sighed deciding to not tell her about your mission and your identity since it could create a wave of panic through the village.

"Actually, I bumped into a bad guy, and we got into a fight, but I didn't know that he was a strong one, so I ran away but lost my balance and fell on a tree, which happened to be outside this church." You told her a half-truth and smiled nervously.

"Oh dear, I'm glad you're doing better now, and it was fortunate we got you here in time. By the way, may I ask for your name?"

"I'm (Y/n). And thank you for treating me well. Uh, and I have a request."

"Go on, you can ask anything, You're our guest now."

"Oh, thanks again, and I w-want to say that, right now I don't have anywhere to stay so. . ." you trailed off as you scratched the back of your head in embarrassment.

Sister Lily blinked and giggled at your innocent look. "I'll be glad if you stay here, (Y/n). Now I just need to talk with Father. He's the owner of this church and I'm sure the children will love you here." She smiled brightly clasping her palms together.

"Well, I suppose that would be nice," you said with a nervous smile and sweat dropped. Sister Lily turned around to leave and motioned for you to come along with her.

"Okay then, it's already dinner time, please join us."

Your stomach rumbled in reply, and you chuckled slightly in embarrassment. "Yeah, since I don't really have a choice."

With a giggle, she opened the door, revealing a group of children and an ash-blonde haired boy about your age who appeared to have been eavesdropping just moments before. "Huh? Ah!!" They hastily composed themselves, startled by their sudden exposure.  

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