Chapter 25: The Ball (part one)

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"What a beautiful gown," Queen Hera commented, swooning over Annabeth's chosen attire.

The gold and white gown fluttered around her, embroidered with golden accents to match the laurel wreath which rested atop her  hair.

"Why Thankyou Queen Hera," Annabeth smiled, "It was a gift from Countess Piper."

"Is it now?" the queen huffed with a light sneer, turning her sight towards the aforementioned countess,"I didn't realise her breeding would allow her to have such refined taste."

"She has impeccable taste," Annabeth rebuffed as politely as she could, "her fine heritage would allow nothing less."

Piper flushed under Annabeth's gaze, looking pointedly at her toes, flattered, yet hurt at her future mother in law's sentiments.

"Why dont you and Jason take to the floor, Annabeth dear?" the Queen drawled, "I'm sure our guests would love to see such a superb match begin our festivities."

Annabeth noted Piper's growing stiffness, her eyes scanning the room to find her fiancé.

King Zeus stood beside his wife in name only, eyeing every damsel at the ball and occasionally joining in on the royal's conversations.

This was one such instance, where the king spoke, "Do take to the dance floor with my son, princess. You two would make a fine pair indeed," he commented, momentarily averting his eyes from a nearby noblewoman.

The king gestured for his children. Jason and Thalia appeared before him a few minutes later, the latter glued to her husband's side, a scowl plastered on her face.

"Why did you have to distract me from the tarts?" she challenged her father.

The king ignored his heir, turning instead to Jason, "Son, why don't you and the princess do us the honour of the first dance?"

Jason nodded primly, swallowing deeply. He locked eyes with the princess of Athens as an understanding passed through them, kindling a sense of unity among the young royals.

"As you wish, father," Jason smiled.

King Zeus grinned, clapping his hands together loudly. The party turned towards him, quieting down as they awaited the words of their king.

It was Queen Hera who spoke instead, much to her husband's dismay, "Our dearest subjects," she said with a feline smile, "It is my greatest privilege to announce the arrival of Princess Annabeth, the princess of Athens!"

Annabeth held her head high, dropping into a light curtsy as the crowd clapped politely.

Her eyes met Percy's, and she smiled.

Despite the partygoers, she could make him out with ease. In a crowd, he was the only one she could comprehend.

Which other man could set her heart a flutter with a simple gaze?

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