Chapter 1: The Deal With The Sea Witch

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Percy was gliding through the waters, the ocean way too quiet for his liking today.
It was normally bustling with activity, mermaids and merman's dancing or the chatter of the fish as they swam away from the sharks.

It was almost as if it knew of the decision he was making. And the fact that it was nightfall was probably a factor.

His nerves got the best of him, causing him to slow down in pace. His anxious heart beat and racing thoughts did little to help him either.

Percy loved his home. He loved the ocean and everything it offered.
He loved the feeling of exploring it and discovering a new place almost every time.

But the young prince, couldn't shake the feeling of wanting more.
More than his home could offer him.

He turned, making sure again, that he was not being followed. The moon offered just a glimmer of light in the depths of the ocean.

His eyes could feel even though the dim light as he swam fasted and faster, just in case his father's guard or even Bessie the Ophiotaurus had followed him.

As he swam in silence, Prince Perseus couldn't get her gray eyes off his mind. It had been nearly twenty-four moons since he had seen those eyes. And yet it hadn't stopped him from dreaming about it every night since.

And that was just a part of the reason he was doing this. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to explore the surface. Even if his mystery lady would never be seen again.

The water turned dark, the life around him scarce was as he swam towards the underwater caverns, feeling the pressure increase as he swiftly moved his tale towards the one with the glowing green hue.

Near its entrance, stood a giant eel.

"Your highness," it hissed, giving its best imitation of a bow despite its lack of a spine, "My mistress has been expecting you," it parted from the mouth of the entrance.

Percy tentatively entered, careful not to make a noise.

The tales of Circe's magic spread through almost every corner of the seven seas. But people seldom sought her out in fear of ending up dead, or worse.
She, after all, was a very powerful mermaid, practiced in the dark arts for near centuries. How she had been alive so long, nobody knew.

She was different from how Percy had imagined, however. Instead of a monstrous-looking sea witch, there stood a very beautiful mermaid with long dark hair braided with threads of gold and piercing green eyes. Her tail, however, was a dark shimmering purple, as he'd never seen before.

"Princelinggg," she purred, "I have been watching you. What's on your mind?" she mused out loud, gracefully gliding over to a glowing orb, the one which lit up the cave.

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