Chapter 20: The cliffside

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The princess of Athens could not sleep. She could not bring herself to retire for the night, walking in circles around her chambers as her thoughts whirled around her, like clangorous spirits.

She was furious with herself for falling for the trap of coming to Olympus in the first place, and more livid over the fact that she did not know what was going on.

Who was behind this? What could her aunt gain from this?

These thoughts plagued her with every step she took, weighing her down until she wanted to scream in frustration.

Some queen I would be, she scoffed to herself,I don't even know what's going around me.

She paced back and forth for a few more hours, deciphering a few more scenarios until her mind had enough until it began to pound on her to stop.

There was nothing she could do at the moment until Thalia, Luke and Jason came tomorrow to put together the pieces.

And as much as she hated unfinished puzzles, all she could do was wait. She would be of no use to anyone in her current state.

She leaned against her nightstand sighing.

She hasn't even changed out of her banquet gown and had no energy left to do so. The intricate bun that  rested atop her head spiralled down to her shoulders, spreading out around her.

She shook her head.

There was one thing that seemed to always lift her spirits, and perhaps she could do that now.

As the night waned into an endless chasm, the princess of Athens knocked on the door of a certain sea-green-eyed boy, who had come to hold a special place in her heart.

The boy opened the door a dozen minutes later, groggily rubbing his eyes.

"I was wondering if you would take a stroll with me?" Annabeth asked, cursing at her own stupidity. She had woken him up for no reason.

The boy simply nodded, smiling at her as he shook himself awake.

They opted to leave the fort through a rather large window, considering the doors were all locked.

None of the guards nor servants were in sight as the young couple made their grand escape, landing with a light huff on the lush green grass below.

"I...saw a tree I wanted to share with you," Annabeth spoke as they began a brisk walk through the garden, brushing past the vast topiaries, "It reminded me of my mother's festival and reminded me of you."

The boy's lips lifted into a soft smile and Annabeth couldn't help but feel butterflies.

He was extremely handsome.

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