15. Serenade

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We pulled up into the empty parking lot of an old ice skating rink. Neon lights and signs hung above the building illuminating the whole scenery, giving it an old rustic 90's aesthetic. I turned to look at King and he was already looking at me. I caught a hint of a smile crawl up his lips and I couldn't help the wide smile that split my lips. "You like?" He asked "Hmm, maybe" I couldn't control my smile while his grew wider as we got out of the car.

King doesn't look like an ice skating type, he doesn't look like an anything type come to think of it. He keeps looking down at me as we walked down, the dimly lit path towards the entrance of the ice skating rink. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was clear that King had planned this outing, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had in store.

As we reached the entrance, the sound of laughter and upbeat music filled the air. The rink was bustling with activity, with people of all ages gliding gracefully on the ice. The atmosphere was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of energy.

"Ready to skate, cupcake?" King asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of my own skating abilities, but then a sense of determination washed over me. "Absolutely," I replied, determined to embrace the experience.

We rented a pair of ice skates and made our way to the rink. I clung to the side railings at first, trying to find my balance on the slippery surface. King, on the other hand, effortlessly glided across the ice, his movements fluid and graceful. He looked back at me with a mischievous grin. "Need a hand, cupcake?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully but nodded, allowing him to guide me onto the open ice. His strong grip on my hand provided a sense of stability as we skated together. It took a few wobbly moments, but eventually, I found my rhythm and began to enjoy the freedom of gliding across the smooth surface.

We skated side by side, exchanging laughter and playful banter. It was liberating, leaving behind all the worries and insecurities, if only for a little while. As we circled the rink, I couldn't help but notice how King's eyes sparkled with genuine joy. It was a side of him I hadn't seen before, and it made me appreciate the depth of his character.

Time seemed to fly by as we lost ourselves in the moment. The neon lights above bathed the rink in a colorful glow, casting a surreal ambiance. The music became a backdrop to our laughter and the sound of our skates gliding over the ice.

Eventually, we grew tired and decided to take a break. We found a spot at the edge of the rink and sat down, catching our breath. I leaned back, looking up at the ceiling, and let out a contented sigh. King sat next to me, his warmth radiating beside me.

"That was...unexpected," I admitted, breaking the comfortable silence between us. King chuckled softly, his voice tinged with amusement. "Life is full of surprises, cupcake. Sometimes, it's good to let go and embrace the unexpected," he said, his tone surprisingly sincere.

I glanced at him, a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability in my eyes. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. King's gaze softened, and he turned to look at me directly. "Because I wanted to see you smile," he replied, his voice gentle and genuine.

In that moment, I realized that there was more to King than his tough exterior and mysterious demeanor. He had a way of bringing me out of my shell, of reminding me that life could still hold moments of joy and adventure.

As we sat there, basking in each other's company, I felt a newfound connection forming between us. It was fragile and uncertain, but it held the promise of something more. And in that moment, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn my night had taken.

All my loves <3

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