4. Pizza

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"Damn, look at that arse" Bleu whistles trying to fake an American accent but fails miserably. I roll my eyes as we continue to roam around.

I'm at the art gallery. It's Sunday so i have to be here. There's literally no other time to paint. But right now, I'm just tired. Physically and mentally, thats not even the worst part. I haven't had ANY cupcakes today. I feel like I'm gonna die.

I've been here for a while, i finished a painting of a huge man taking a bite out of a tiny cupcake. It was honestly really horrible to look at but I'm somehow proud of it. My imagination runs wild when I'm hungry.

"I am hungry, do you want to get something to eat?" Bleu asks as he looks down at me. "Yes please" i say with an over exaggerated sigh.

Bleu is a really good friend of mine. He comes to the art gallery on Sundays and every other day because he's homeschooled.

Bleu is really, how should i put it... MOTHERFRIKINHAWTT. He's tall, dark messy hair, really really great dress sense. He's goofy, he's funny, he's body is to die for, he has a really thick British accent, And he's a BIG flirt. He's a really great artist. Most of his work are being displayed in the amateur section.

We walk out of the gallery to a nearby pizza place. We walk in and I'm immediately greeted with the wonderful smell of pizza. I begin to drool instantly

"Vaeh, i know I am hot but could you stop drooling?" He says smugly, i just roll my eyes.

We walk to a booth at the corner of the restaurant and wait for someone to take our order. Soon enough a petite brunette walks over to our table to take our orders, but this girl doesn't even glance my way.

"Hey there, welcome to Tony's pizza place, what can i get you" she says in an over enthusiastic high pitched voice, looking at Bleu. He winks at her ans her face turns crimson.

Cue in eye roll

"I'd like a large meat gravers pizza, thats extra beef, chicken and pork with extra mozzarella" she writes down my order "I'll get the chicken pizza, with extra mozzarella" Bleu says

"Any drinks?" She says still looking at Bleu, touching his shoulder. "2 Chocolate milkshakes, right baby?" i say forcing a smile to Bleu, who looks at me with a confused yet amused look "yes?" He says.

The brunette glares at me then walks away swaying her non-existent hips, looking as if she has leprosy.

"I always knew you had a crush on me babygirl" Bleu says smugly. "I was only doing you a favor dickhead, didn't want some girl drooling over you" i say rolling my eyes "yeah, sure" He says in disbelief.

So much for doing this doofus a favor.

A few minutes later, the brunette brings over our food. She bends over a little to much, giving Bleu a really good view of her underwear. He wasn't even paying attention to her.

I take a slice out of my pizza and Oh My Days, this is sooooo gooood. I'm literally in heaven. I've never really noticed this place but I'm definitely coming here more often.

Bleu talks about some girl he hooked up with last night. I wasn't really paying attention as my mind wondered off to a particular curly haired asshole.

Nathaniel has been around me a lot this week and im not gonna lie, its been nice. He's been keeping me company since Mikel is out hunting for his 'gorgeous stranger' and i only get to see Bleu on sundays so having someone around besides these two was nice

He's been an asshole most of the time but he still sticks around. I really do not want to get used to him, since he's only been around for less than a week. I guess I'll be fine without him.

He's such a mysterious human. Not trying to be in the stereotypical good girl falls in love with bad boy situation, i don't like him, and i will never like him in that way, or anyone for that matter.

Love is stupid and idiotic and a waste of my time. It's only going to drag you in, beat you up and throw you out helpless. Relationships never last so why go into it. Love is like a tragic comedy. You'll love it at some point until it destroys you. I hate love.





"Earth to Veah" Bleu says waving his hands in front of me. "Hmm?" I hummed. I looked down at my plate and realized my food was all gone. "Did you eat my pizza?" i try to stay as calm as possible

"No my love, you devoured it like a pig while staring into the abyss, look i have a picture" he shows me a picture of myself looking like a freaking buffalo, with a pizza slice in one hand and a half eaten one in another. He was laughing his ass off.

"Delete it" i say with a death glare but he just continues laughing like a hyena. So i grabbed his phone and deleted it myself. He grabs the phone from me but he was too late."i still have the picture in my trash you bitch" he says bringing out his tongue.

We bickered for a while, but he still didn't delete the picture. The waitress came back to give us our bill, she wrote her number at the back of the paper. Turns out her names Penelope.

We split the bill and leave.


Unknown number: hello cupcake

Me: who's this

Unknown number: your one and only

Me: is this Nathaniel

Unknown number: Damn right it is

Me: fuck off

Unknown number: just bring one of those your horrible cupcakes to school tomorrow

How dare he call my babies horrible. He's gonna get a piece of my mind tomorrow.


Hey besties

Thanks for reading, its a short chapter ik, I'm sorry
I'm so sorry i haven't updated in a while
Its 3:44am and I have exams today
I'm supposed to be reading lol
I'm just a trainwreck
Anyway, please click the star at the bottom of your screen if you like this chapter


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