7. Shit is Crazy

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"Good morning my beautiful Palm treee" I hear someone scream in my ear. Disrupting my beautiful sleep. "Wake up frog face, its time for schooll" i open my eyes to see a pair of eyes staring right down at me.

"Finally, you're awake, thought i might have to pour the coffee i got all over you. Anyway, we've got to get you dressed baby girl, its a new dayyyyy" Mikel sings and twirls around in my room heading for my closet. This child.

"Mikelllll, please, can i just stay homee" i say still in bed. I'm really not in the mood for this, it's wayy to early to have a twirling Mikel in my bedroom.

"No baby girl, you've missed school for almost 2 dayss, i don't want you ruining your attendance" ughh, says Mr. I'm gonna go find my mystery dream soulmate. "Fine" i roll my eyes and get out of bed, straight to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and did my normal morning routine. I came out of the shower and looked in the mirror. My hair looks like a sponge, my upper lip is fuller today, maybe because i just woke up. I Brushed my hair and tied it into a low bun. In general i don't look so bad.

I could hear Mikel still singing and dancing around in my room. How can this boy be so full of energy so early in the morning?

I hear a knock on the door, followed by my best friends voice "so veah, i picked out your outfit for today, its laying on your bed, I'm going out now so you can change, I'll be back in 5 to do your hair"  "okay mom" i say rolling my eyes

I came out of the bathroom and i saw the clothes neatly folded by the side of my bed. He dressed my bed and put everything in place. Mikel is such an angel. He's my angel.

A baggy jeans and a brown t-shirt. It wasn't too out there, casual, i like it. As expected, Mikel came back up in exactly 5 minutes knocking to see if i was decent. He didn't do much to my hair, just brought some strands to the front and tied it in a low bun.

I grabbed my backpack and we headed downstairs. I took another crate of cupcakes for me and Mikel and a few extra just Incase Nathaniel comes demanding for some. That kid can never ask nicely.

I put on my white air force 1's and we headed to his car and drove off to school.

The ride to school wasn't all that bad. Mikel and i sang horribly to Hey boy by Sia ft Burna boy on the radio. We got to school and he parked.

We got out of the car and Mikel put his arm around my shoulders, telling me about something as we walk towards the entrance.

But i couldn't concentrate on what he was saying because i was busy looking at a really familiar black Tesla pull over and a really hot Nathaniel stepping out in all of his glory. His hair is messy but it suits him, he wore a plain black shirt and dark jeans.

I looked up to his face and noticed he was staring in my direction. Glaring at me? No, Mikel. He balled his fists so tight, his knuckles became white. He looked furious. I swear if looks could kill, Mikel would be long gone by now.

He slams the car door and walks to school looking like he's about to break someone's skull. Huh, wonder whats his problem.

We walk to class and i sit waiting for the lesson to start.


"I'm telling you, we're meant to be. His name is Luca and he's 19. He's a total sweetheart and turns out he's Bi so i guess I'm going to try to make him fall inlove with me which he definitely will"  Mikel goes on and on about this boy, Luca. Cant wait to meet him tho.

We're currently in the cafeteria, at my usual table and we're sharing the Cupcakes because we didn't want any of the cafeteria food today.

Suddenly everyone starts looking towards the doors and murmurs began. I turned to see what's happening and my stomach dropped instantly. Nathaniel walking in with Brittany with his hand in her back pocket. He kisses her cheek and sits down beside her.

I don't know why this affects me, we're not even friends so its non of my business. I don't like him, he's an asshole.

Mikel's eyes follow to where i was looking at and he takes a confused look at me. But i assure him that its nothing. Because it is.

He continues to talk about, what not but sometimes my eyes wonder to Nathaniel's table and i always catch him looking back at me but I'll just quickly look away. I glanced over again but this time we locked eyes. His lips move "outside. Now" i guess thats what he says and stands up to leave. Not before kissing Bitchanny on the other cheek. Gag

He leaves and i tell Mikel i had to use the restrooms.

"Who the fuck is that?!" He says rather loudly but the halls are empty. "What the hell are you talking about, who the fuck is who?" I say really confused, what's this boy saying?

"Who's that guy" he said in a really low tone, staring straight at me, I could feel the anger radiating from his body. But I'm still confused, what guy?

He notices that i don't understand what he's talking about so he motions for the cafeteria. "Who's the boy sitting at your God damn table". Wait, Mikel?

"Thats Mikel". "Well i don't want to see him ever touch you that way, again. Understood?" What the hell?

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you, he's my fucking best friend and he's Gay you idiot" his stance changes. I guess he realizes how stupid he sounded. "Oh I'm sorry i didn't...."

"Of course you didn't know dickhead, you don't even have the right to be yelling at me, we're not even friends!" I cut him off yelling. I could see a glint of sadness? Disappointment? In his eyes but its gone just as fast as it came. He's back to his emotionless face.

"Oh really? We aren't friends? Wow. Go get a life cupcake, because this isn't one. Bitch" he says toneless and walks back into the cafeteria.

Okay then.

I walk back to the cafeteria to get my stuff. I tell Mikel that I'm not feeling well as an excuse to get out of this place. I glance at King and immediately he saw me looking, he kissed Brittany. I just looked away and left the cafeteria.

I thought we weren't friends, why does this hurt so much. I feel like I've lost a best friend.

Shit is crazy.

Hey besties!!!
Heres another chapter for y'all
It was supposed to come earlier but i don't even know what happened, the first draft i had deleted so i had to start all over again.
Anyway, hope you like it!

It's 2 days to Christmas!!
Who's excited.
I'm not but still!!!
Hope you have a beautiful day


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