Chapter 9

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"Wait, what do you mean you don't like him?? I thought you got along? Yeah the beginning was a bit awkward but-"

"He's putting on an act"
I was so confused by Sam. How could Sangwoo be acting, surely if he was it would be obvious to me as well. I crossed my arms as I stare at Sam with disappointment.
"He's a fake and he's not good for you!"

"That's not true.."

"Yes it is Y/N! Use your head!"

"I am using my head! He's been good to me!"

"I don't think he is Y/N! Something with him just doesn't sit right for me and I don't think you should see him anymore!"

"I really like this guy and you can't even try?!"
I sigh. But clearly Sam wasn't very happy with my words as he had a very angry expression plastered across his face.

"Try?! Y/N this guy is a walking red flag! He's fake! I'm trying to warn and you can't see it! You deserve better than him but You're looking through rose tinted glasses! Or are you just trying to get into his pant-"
Sam was interrupted by my palm colliding with his face. His angry expression instantly changes to a shocked one as he raises his hand holding it against his burning cheek.

"O-Oh my god!! Sam I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I-!"
What had I done. I just slapped my bestfriend for looking out for me. I instantly felt guilty and wish I could take it back but I know I couldn't. I try to apologise but I was so worked up I couldn't find the words.

"Enjoy the bonfire party"
Sam says bluntly with a hint of sadness in his voice as his eyes looked watery. Turing around and heading upstairs. I hear the sound of his door slamming shut causing me to flinch. I run after him knocking on his door trying to get him to come out. But he doesn't listen and just starts playing music loudly to overpower my voice.
'I'm sorry..'
What was I to do, I just hurt my bestfriend, sure the way he worded a few things seemed very rude but at the end of the day, he really was just trying to look out for me.
I decide to just go to my room and try to sleep, hoping Sam would let me talk to him in the morning.

Oh how wrong I was. The next day came around and Sam never left his room. I knocked multiple times calling out for him but he never answered. I tried to open his door but he had locked it.
Every hour or so I would go to his door and try to get his attention but to no avail.
'What am I gonna do.. I'm so sorry Sam.'

"Please don't shut me out Sam, I'm really sorry I-"

"Just go to the damn party already. I want to be alone."
Sam snaps from behind the door. My heart sank. How could I have been so awful as to slap him. I never thought I'd ever lay my hands on anyone, especially not Sam. He's been the best person in my life and I hurt him. Physically and emotionally. 

"Okay Sam.."
I turn from his door and make my way to my room to get ready for the party with Sangwoo. Usually at this point I'd ask Sam to help me with an outfit as he always knew what looked best. But not this time.. I open my phone and send a text to Sangwoo to let him know that it would just be me going to the bonfire party drinking thing.

Me: "Hey Sangwoo.. Sam isn't coming. We had an argument and he's locked himself in his room.. so it'll just be me if that's okay"

Sangwoo: "Oh i see.. what a shame. Glad you're still coming."

Sangwoos reply made my stomach flutter and helped me feel a little better. But I still felt incredibly guilty.

Unsatisfied with my outfit. I approach Sams door one last time.
"Okay Sam I'm going.. I hope we can talk when I get back? I'm sorry."
No words spoke from behind the door. All I heard was some scuffling. I let out a big sigh before heading downstairs and leaving the house.


Sam's POV:
After Y/N had slapped me across the face, I locked myself away in my room. I couldn't reach them with my thoughts about Sangwoo, but maybe I could reach them with my own feelings. While shut in my room I decided to write out my thoughts, My feelings, my cares. I didn't think it was the right time to tell Y/N that I was in love with them, but if not now then when. If I leave it too long they could end up dating Sangwoo.

"Please don't shut me out Sam, I'm really sorry"
Y/N calls out from the other side of my door. Hearing them sound so upset broke my heart, but I wasn't ready, not yet.

"Just go to the damn party already. I want to be alone."
I felt awful being so harsh, but it was the only way that I knew they would leave. If there was even a hint that I wasn't angry they would probably stay. As much as I don't want them to go and get drunk with Sangwoo, I needed some alone time to properly think about my feelings and make sure everything is written perfectly.

I listen to the sound of footsteps walking away from my door, but I suddenly hear another pair approach me as hands wrap around my face from behind, covering my nose and my mouth, feeling hot breath against my ear and neck.

"What's this? Writing love letters to Y/N are we Sammy? Haven't you heard? They have feelings for me."
I frantically thrash trying to break out of the intruders grip, glancing up to my mirror above my desk to see Sangwoos dead eyes staring right at our reflection, his face plastered with an evil smirk.

"Okay Sam I'm going.. I hope we can talk when I get back? I'm sorry."
Y/N calls from behind the door. I try to call out and break free from Sangwoos grip to run for it, but he just holds me tighter, dragging me further away from the door.

"Shhhh~ don't let them hear~"
Sangwoos disgusting whispers tickle my ears as my shaken breath barely manages to leave my nostrils through a tiny gap in his fingers. We hear the front door close to which he instantly throws me to the floor, to which I land flat on my face, causing him to laugh hysterically.
I desperately try to scramble to my feet but he jumps on me, flipping me over and pinning me down, his cold sadistic face staring down at me as I panic and struggle under his grip. But Sangwoo was a bigger guy than me. Taller, more muscle, heavier. I didn't stand a chance.

"How did you get in here!"
I cry as I continue to try and push him off of me but he wraps his hands around my throat, slowly adding more and more pressure.

"Are you kidding me? Have you seen outside of your window? The wall is so uneven it might as well be stairs"
He laughs to himself.
"Now, I think we can do better than a love letter. I'm thinking something more like a suicide letter~"
He grins, removing one his hands from my neck and pulling a knife out of his back pocket. My eyes slam open once I see the gleam of the blade as it reflects the light.
Realising Sangwoo was only holding me down with one hand and his legs spread across me, I take my chance. I strike my leg up into the air, kneeing him right in the balls. He gasps for air and falls off of me, pushing him away I scramble to my feet and frantically try to unlock my bedroom door. My hands struggling to work the lock as my shakiness made it impossible to grab the key.

"You fucking Cunt"
Sangwoo growls, grabbing me by the hair and throwing me aginst my desk, causing the corner to jab into my hip making me wince.
I desperately feeling around on the desk for something to defend myself, only finding my pencil. Sangwoo charges at me and I swing with my pencil but miss, his knife plunges straight into my side, causing me to yell out in pain. He yanks it out and I fall to the floor, holding my wound as I cry in agony.

Sangwoo crouches down in front of me with that same sadistic grin as he laughs in my face.
"A fucking pencil??? You're pathetic!"
I raise my hand and slap across his face, digging my nails into his skin, hearing im him groan in discomfort, only making him more angry. Driving his knife into my stomach slowly.
"Wanna know a secret? I once killed Y/Ns friend when they were just a kid yet they somehow escaped. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this? I'm finally going to kill them like I planned in the beginning. Kinda funny isn't it? I've killed their friend before and I'm about to do it again!"
I cry in pain as he pushes the knife into me more and more. This is the man from Y/Ns dreams. The man who has haunted their life and they couldn't see it.
'I can't die.. I have to warn Y/N!'

Using all my strength I grab Sangwoos wrist and push back, causing the knife to slowly pull out of me. He looks in amusement at my actions. Bursting out laughing before slamming the knife back in with force, causing me to scream, yet no sound came out, just a strained breath.

"Don't worry Sammy, I'll make sure they're well taken care of."

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