Chapter 4

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"Y/N! Why are you so late?!"
A voice yells to me the moment me and Sam step foot into the market. It was my manager.

"Sorry? Late? For what? I'm not working today?"
I was so confused. I'm sure I didn't have a shift today.

"Yes you are working today and you're already 30 minutes late!"

"Sir I'm so sorry I didn't realise, is there any chance I can have today off? I've had a really rough morning.."
I couldn't help feel annoyed. After such a shitty morning, with the nightmare and then the vision or whatever that was, I now have to work?

"No Y/N it's a bit late, you know you have to give at least 2 hours-"

"I know I know I'm sorry. I'm just not really doing great at the moment and I guess the days got away from me, can I please have this shift off?"
I guess I shouldn't have cut him off but I was desperate at this point not to have to work.

"I'm sorry but we're already shorted staffed as it is."
He snaps before rushing away. God I hated my manager, he was always so negative towards me, but guaranteed any other person besides me, he would've said yes to having the shift off.

"I'm so sorry Y/N.. I feel like this is kinda my fault.. if I had never suggested coming to the store you wouldn't have gotten yelled at.."
Sam speaks in a sad tone, linking his arm with mine for a quick side hug.

"Don't worry, even if we didn't come here I would've eventually gotten an angry call and be yelled at over the phone so"
I give him a pat on the head with a smile, I didn't want him to feel bad, works work, and after this morning I don't want him to hold any kind of feelings of guilt.
"I've got my stuff in my locker anyway so I'll be okay."
He sighs with relief.

"So what would you like me to pick up for dinner?

"Mm maybe a lasagna?"
He gives me a nod with a smile before waving goodbye walking away, I do the same.
It was lucky I kept my stuff in my locker at work, otherwise I probably would've had to wear some of the dirty old spare uniforms and I really wouldn't like that. You can practically taste how bad they smell...

I quickly change into my uniform in the bathroom before checking the shift role list.

"Checkouts... again... great, just what I need."
I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. I really don't want to have to deal with a Karen today..

I head to one of the empty checkouts and mark it as open, watching a woman get into my line. Despite being at work, my mind was elsewhere. You'd think it was my nightmare or what happened with breakfast, but no.
'That guy.. why can't I get his face out of my head?'

"Excuse me?"

'Was he that attractive? Surely not. I see someone one time crossing paths and now my brain is suddenly obsessed? What's going on with me? Stupid brain!'

"Hey, Excuse me?"

'I wonder where he was heading, he seemed in a rush but had quite big backpack, seemed almost full. I wonder if he came from here- wait what!'
Just as I thought he'd be coming FROM here, I suddenly catch him walking IN through the doors out of the corner of my eye.
'He's here..'
I couldn't help but stare at him. He was wearing glasses this time. They suited him well. I couldn't stop doing it. I don't know what it was but it was like my eyes were just drawn to him and I couldn't look away. He's so mysterious looking. His face just seems to be so serious yet emotionless, it made my stomach flutter.

I voice shrieks in my ear, causing even him to look in my direction, meeting my eye gaze. To which instantly found myself flustered. I was about to smile at him but my attention was grabbed by a customer snapping her fingers right in front of my face.

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