Chapter 7

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"Hello Is this Eleonora Accardi, " says a feminine voice from the other side of the phone

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"Hello Is this Eleonora Accardi, " says a feminine voice from the other side of the phone.

My back neck hair stands up and goosebumps trail down my body, making me shiver.

This is it..

I took a long breath before answering.

"Yes, this is her. What can I do for you." I reply. " Umm Hi ma'am, you are requested to meet at the LAPD at 6. Your lab results has come back." she states. " Yes ma'am I'm sure to be there." I say.

"Ma'am here is registered that Claudia Hennessey is your temporary guardian, please bring her with you as seeing your under the age of 18 and a social worker will be appointed" she says. "Yes ma'am" I agree. "Have a wonderful day further Ms Accardi" she greets, I do the same and hang up.

That whole phone call I was trying to keep calm, my hands are shaking and my mind running through a million thoughts. I might have a whole fucking biological family...

Claudia and the gang was my only sort of family after the lost of my mother. Now we have a new addition, Claire. Even though I love them so much, I always wondered if there was a possibility but now that possibility might become a reality, is just nerve racking.

I take a deep breath and try to stabilize my anxiety.

I walk back to the restaurant entrance, Claudia I waiting for me with Claire. The boys seem to be in a argument about something again... *insert eye-rolling* They are such knuckleheads, but I love them and they make me smile. I walk over to Claudia, the girls seems to talking about something.

"Oh, how was the phone call?" asks Claudia with worried eyes. "Umm my DNA tests have came in and they want me to go to the station later"i say  with what's so ever joy.

" I know your scared and nervous but I assure you that it will be fine. Plus sides... you have us. Come on, that cute waitress asked Sumire out" she says while dragging me to the girls and pushes the pram/stroller. After what Claudia said I feel much better, she always knows how to cheer me up.

"Sumire... Gurl if you don't shot your shot and accept, I will because that waitress is so fine!" exclamed Julie. Sumire blushes but tries hiding her face with her hair. "Wow Sumire... A date and a number, are u going to accept it. " Claudia teases.

Sumire is pansexual, we all love and support her. She isn't really one to date or go out. Also because of her past, her trauma keeps her from putting herself out there. She is scared and that's fine and relatable. I just hope one day she will find the strength and that right person you know (Lee Know).

"Guys, guys calm down. Don't pressure her. She will when she is ready to." I say trying to defuse the situation. "Amira tell us about that sexy doctor you have a fling with." Charles comes up and asks. "We are JUST FRIENDS!!" Amira Exclaims.

They start talking and moving to the parking. "Hey Nora, I'ma got to the car and get Claire settled." says to me. "Okays," I respond.

"Thank you Leo." Sumire whisper into my ear.

(Leo is another nickname for Eleonora. People in her work force uses it. Since Leo a more masculine, people thinks she a male.. Therefore she gains more respect.. Ik ik but it's kinda how it is)

I can feel my checks getting warm as a blush appears. Sumire is a taller than what I am, therefore she towers my short small frame. "No problem, you looked a little uncomfortable. I hope I wasn't overstepping," I say to her, our faces are very close. "Not at all, you were saving me from a long and annoying conversation." She then moves some hair out my face and kisses my cheek. Air got caught in my lungs and I just forgot hwo to breathe. I blush even harder. "Thanks again, see you tomorrow." She then leaves to the car with Duke and Charles, and leaves me having a bi panic attack.

I try snapping out of it. I walk to the car with Claudia waiting for me. "What took you so long." says Claudia.
I was chatting with Sumire, i wanted make sure she was okay." Claudia didn't seem to fully buy it but leaves it anyway. "Mmm okay for now." She startes the engine. We drive off.
I look at the window. Touching me cheek, I still can feel her kiss. I- that's was something.



I look at my phone..

[Incoming call]

This is an American number and too call in the dead of the night.
"Strange" I think.I shot this gross women beater with a reclining hairline. I watch as his body collapses to the ground and the blood curdling out his mouth.

"Hey you clean this up, I have to take this phone call" I say to one of my men. I walk out of the dungeon, walk up the stairs and into the warehouse. I pass the weapon and training area, and straight to my office. I answer the call, curious about this could be about.

"Good day Am I speaking to Mr. Accardi." I hear the American accent fluently throughout the speakers voice. "Yes this Is Mr. Accardi. What is this all about." I say with a hit of irritation. "Good Day Mr. Accardi, I am speaking on behalf of the LAPD. The matter is regarding your child sir." she says. This leaves me shocked...

What child? This must be a prank or something. I mean all of the boys are here. "M-my child...? You must be mistaken." I say, still not believing. "Oh no sir. A DNA test has been taken, your DNA is compatible. You are the father." As she says this words... It's starts sinking in."I-I just.. I'm in shock." I say. "Understandable sir but if so possible, your presence is requested to discuss the matter further." she states
"Umm yess, when do I have to be there?" I ask. "Two days from now, so Monday." she says. I great and hang up.

I take a deep breath in and run my fingers through my hair. Fuck... This is crazy. I walk out my office and to outside of the warehouse, I take out a cigarette and light it. I smoke my cigarette, the moon providing the only source of light. Smoking wasn't something I always did, but after losing my wife 16 years ago, I changed... I still miss her so much.

When I'm done smoking, I make it dead and make a call.

"Tell your brothers their is a family meeting later today. I expect everyone to show up, it's about something important..."



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It's been a while...
Yeah.. U finally got some plot armor...

Yeah.. Also some potential ships... (*-*)

Umm yeah.

Hope you liked this.. Except to see move of Sumire+Eleonora in da future.

Love you my simps. <3

Posted :20/08/23 (Sunday)

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