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*creak* I hear the door open and a guy with a huge scar on his face comes towards me, and I put my head between my legs. He grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Aww little innocent Ellie; it would be a pain to hurt you but it's boss's orders." He then releases my chin while roughly shoving me to the smelly, hard, cold concrete floor. "Now get up you whore" I stand up wincing at the pain of my ribs and bruises that hasn't healed. He then grabs my arm and pulls me too wherever horse face has ordered.

Sadly, I have been in this hell hole of a place since birth. Seven years of being here. My momma was kidnapped, on the day she found out she was pregnant with me. She was assumed dead because these people coved it up to seem like it. My momma was kidnapped by the Spanish mafia, Javier Salvador. Apparently so the mafia don had a crush on my momma, she didn't like him because she loves my pappa to death. They then threw her in a cell, months passed by, and she gave birth to me.

I hate it here. It hurts the most, they would let me watch as they beat up my mother until no sunrise, I hear her scream in pain, screaming in agony. While I am bound to chair feeling helpless and watch with tears as they bring pain to my mother. What can I do? I am but just a child. The worst is when she says sorry after getting a punishment. As if it were her fault, like she is one to blame.

They pull me in to a new cell, my mother is there. I run towards her, but the guards held me back. "Not so fast little one, you can't go to your mami yet." They strap me into a chair. The door opens, their boss came into the cell. The guards and soldiers bow in respect. They all chant 'jefe' and stood up straight. "Tranquilo, ahora vete." horse face said.

"Hello, little Ellie." said horse face. "What you want horse face" I spat back. "Now, now Ellie no need to get rough, I want to send you on a mission; this is an extremely important mission you see. If you mess this up, I will simply kill your dear mother and you will get punished accordingly." he said it like he was giving me some wonderful ass news, with sadistic smile  on his ugly face. "By the way you have no choice or no spare on your life, and your mothers; therefore, it either death or life."

Life or death huh? 

I look at my mom. I can't lose her. I could die... But that's not whats on my mind. I could do this escape with momma and save the others too.

"Ok I will do it, just promise not to hurt my momma anymore. " I say looking into his dead eyes making sure not to break contact.

"Ok little Ellie, welcome to the family." He says. He takes out his hand and we shake hands. "We will prepare you for the mission tomorrow and remember don't fuck up. For now you will stay with your mother until then. Enjoy your time. " he says then order his soldiers to untie my momma and I.

He walks out but looking back once more with a evil smile that sends me shivers. Once they untie us, we wait for them to walk out and the door is closed. My momma jumps to hug me. "My baby. " she says.  I just hug her back saying nothing.

And from there on things changed alot.

It's been 9 almost 10 years since what has happened and still hunts me. I now look now look around. Me holding my baby and blood around.

I hope yall like it so far

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I hope yall like it so far. I wanted to give a little more information about Eleonora.

It would be very much appreciated if you could like it.

Any comments on this?

Love yall❤️
Published :9/01/23

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