Chapter 2

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"OK let's start, first question" "What is your name?", he asked

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"OK let's start, first question" "What is your name?", he asked. "Eleonora", I answered hesitantly. "Last name?". "Accardi, "I said in a whisper. "So Eleonora how old are you?" "I-I am 16."

"And they baby you have been carrying in your arms?" I tensed "I rather not answer." "Ohk, Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?" I shake my head no.

"Do u have any relatives that we could contact? There was also wasn't a father listed on your birth certificate."I don't know if have relatives that I know of and I don't know my father." I said in a low tone. "Well then we are going to have you take a blood test, just to check OK?" I nodded my head yes.

After the questioning. The officer took me to take my blood sample. It wasn't a very long process and I'm glad I don't have a fear of needels. When they were done taking the sample the kind officer, guided me too the waiting room. "You can sit here in the time being," said the officer. I sat down on one of the chairs. I looked down to see Claire awake and she starts to cry.

"She must be hungry" I thought.

I took her blanket and put it over head and move up my shirt to breastfeed her. I smiled looking at her, my reason to live. She makes me so happy. I will never regret the decision to keep her.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was going through alot. I was at the point where I couldn't trust the person I gave my all and my love too. When the time was right, and the help of Claudia and her mama, I ran away to their house. When I had enough money saved up I moved out and rented rent a apartment and I gave birth to Claire a few months later. I worked as a assassin and I'm pretty good at it. I will only kill people who deserve it. I did everything in my power to keep us away from my step-father. That didn't last forever.

"Eleonora, we sent your blood sample to the lab. " he told me. "Do you have anyone that could pick u up?" he asked. I nodded, I knew who I had to call.When I was done breastfeeding Claire I put my shirt down and stood up. "Alright down that hallway is pay phone" he gave me a few coins.

"I can hold the baby if you want" he shyly asked as if I was going to bite his head of. I was unsure at first but I gave in "okay" I whisper and handing him over sleeping Claire.

I walk down the hallway to the pay phone. I call my best friend. 'Ring-ring-ring' "Hello, to whom may I be speaking with." I hear her lovely sweet voice. "Claudia it's me" I say almost sounding like I might cry.

"Omg! Nora I have been calling and looking for you, I thought I lost you babes! I went to your apartment to find it a mess and I just-" she rambled.

"Claudia I am fine and Claire is fine, I will explain later."i said."Breath Claudia, breath. Take a breath with me, in then out. Better?"  "Yes but where are you babes? " she asked. "I am at the police station downtown " I told her. "OK on my love, see you soon" she said. "See you soon" I hang up.

I went back to the waiting room. I saw the officer with my baby. He heard my foot steps and looked up. "Done?" he asked I hummed yes. He walked over and handed my baby. "Did u get someone to pick you up?" he asked. I took Claire in my arms and sat down. I look up and answered "Yes, they are on their way".

~A few moments later~

"Eleonora!" I look up to see my best friend. See made eye contact with me and ran up to be. I stood up  and she gentle gives me a hug. "Oh Eleonora I thought I lost you" she says and kissed my forehead. She kissed Claire's head as well.

We put out foreheads together. She takes Claire pit of my arms and into hers. She looks over me and saw the officer. "Can I take her with me now". She says while she plays with Claire.

"Yes you can, just have to fill out some forms" the officer told her. She gives me Claire and whispers "Sit down my baby, I will be right back". She leaves with the officer.

Claudia has been my best friend since the second grade. She is like a sister to me although she also acts like my mother. Claudia is a year older than. I skipped a grade and we both graduated from high when I was 15 and she 16.

I always went to Claudia's house, after my step-father would beat the shit out of me. Claire and her mother were the only ones who knew about the abuse. They were the ones who supported and helped me.

Claudia's mother is like the mother I wished I had. So kind and caring. She sadly passed away last year. May she rest in peace. I was there for Claudia because it was my turn to look after her. She always puts others before herself. One of my favorite qualities of her.

"OK let's go" Claudia says. She takes Claire out of my hold and into hers. "Thank you Officer for everything." I shyly said the the kind officer. "It's not problem Eleonora, it my job" he told me. "Ur results will come tomorrow, you will receive a call, bye" he told me. "OK thank you, bye" I said and wave at he. We start walking out of the police station to Claudia's car.

🚶‍♀️Little but noticeable changes ig

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🚶‍♀️Little but noticeable changes ig..
Sry for the massively late update.

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