Chapter 24

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Olivias POV:

After the store incident I decided to take securities advice and stay in as much as possible.

Drew called me almost as soon as we got back from the store. She was absolutely livid that Chris let that woman get anywhere near me. I calmed her down though. How was Chris supposed to know she was going to spit on me. Not to mention the fact that I kinda stopped him from doing his job in the first place.

After the phone call Rory and I ate dinner and then went to bed a while later.

The next 4 days was the same thing over and over again. Drop Rory off at my parents, school, pick Rory up, then go home. I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't slipped into a depression is because I'm trying to stay strong for Rory.

I feel so out of control.

It's Friday now and school let out about two hours ago. I stayed after to catch up on grading. After I was finally caught up I met security outside the building. Chris was driving me over to pick up Rory when I decided I couldn't do this routine for one more night. I need to do something for myself.

"Chris?" I said getting the drivers attention.

"Yes ma'am." He said from the front, his eyes never leaving the road.

"Change of plans, take me to the club."

His eyes shifted to mine in the mirror.

"Ma'am. Miss Line was very adamant about you not going to the club." He said in a soft tone. He knew I didn't like the lack of control I had been given this week.

"Miss Line isn't here. I will keep my mask on the whole night, no one will recognize me." I sighed.

"Yes ma'am." He said. I knew he wanted to argue but kept his mouth shut.

I called my mother and told her I was going to trick for the night. She agreed to keep Rory for a sleep over and I thanked her and hung up as we pulled up to the club. It was only 6 PM so I had two hours before the club opened.

"Thank you Chris." I said moving to get out of the car.

He got out of the car first and opened my door shielding me from the view of anyone that might be in the parking lot.

He escorted me into the club and all the way to the door of my dressing room. He stood next to the door and I closed it abruptly in his face.

I know I shouldn't be mean to him. He's just doing the job he was hired to do.

I sat in my dressing room just taking deep breaths trying to slow my heart rate when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and a picture of Drews beautiful face lit up on my screen. Here we fucking go. Thanks Chris.

"Hello." I answered sharply.

"Olivia, what the fuck are you doing at Trick?" She said into the phone angrily.

Her angry voice only made my anger worsen.

"I'm working." I said sassily.

"I specifically asked that you didn't go to the club! It's a security nightmare! How can I expect Chris to be able to keep you safe when literally anyone can get in there?" She questioned, still upset.

"Nobody knows who I am. I will keep my mask on. I'll be fine Drew."

She groaned into the phone and I heard something being thrown and crashing into a wall. Memories started filling my head, overwhelming me.

"Olivia, I want you to go home right fucking now." Drew said, frustration evident in her tone.

The memories were taking over my brain and I couldn't keep talking to Drew, I was about to have a panic attack.

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