Hold the line (Ella's POV)

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It has been a day since we left for our special assignment in Texas and I am currently guiding the truck through a thick layer of smoke. It is tense but I manage to pull the truck up alongside a Texas Fire Department truck. If I need to I'll move it. I glance back at the others. I get a giggle from Eddie as he nudges Buck causing him to wake up. To be fair if I didn't share driving duties with Eddie I'd be in Buck's position. It has been a long day which is only going to get longer. With a few swift movements, I leap out of the truck. As soon as our boots hit the ground we are herded towards a group of other firefighters. A man who looks like he is in his early sixties comes to address the group.

"Ok everyone I am Deputy Chief De Leon of the San Angelo fire department. I am the acting incident commander," The man introduces himself. It is at that moment that I notice that Buck is staring at an Islamic woman who I instantly recognise. She is Marjan Marwani AKA Firefox. She is an Instagram star. Hen is quick to tell Buck off. He quickly denies it. I find myself discreetly shaking my head as Eddie joins in. I notice that one of Marjan's colleagues confirms what Buck is doing. With that out of the way, we turn our attention back to Chief De Leon.

"I want to introduce you all to my operations section chief. Captain Owen Strand out of Austin," Chief De Leon wraps up his briefing as another man joins him. He looks like he has been through hell. I guess that is what fighting a fire for a week does to you. Before saying anything he takes a deep breath.

"The thing we were praying wouldn't happen has happened. The wind has shifted. The fire is now on a collision course with San Angelo. There is a possibility of weather coming in but we can't rely on it and we won't. We have one last shot at turning the tide. Here. On copper ridge," Owen points at the map to emphasise his point. He seems to know what to say to rally the troops. He reminds me of my Dad in a weird kind of way.

"We cut a containment line here and we can stop this beast in its tracks," Owen traces the line with his finger. It is lucky that he has backup.

"I know you're exhausted. A lot of you haven't had more than a couple of hours asleep in days but on behalf of the city of San Angelo and its twelve hundred and twenty souls we are going to get you up on that fire line and you are going to cut like hell. Good luck. Stay safe," Owen concludes his speech. With that, Hen tells Buck off again. I should tell him who she is but it is fun seeing Buck struggling to put a name to her face. Before we can do anything a man sprints to the command table.

"We have a situation," he announces. One of the Texas firefighters and I shot a worried look in Captain Strand's direction.

"I thought all of the evacuations were complete," Chief De Leon remarks as he joins the pair.

"That was before the winds shifted," Owen counters. He is right. Owen quickly gets to work on getting a handle on the situation as I leave. I need to make sure I have the medical supplies. After a few minutes, I am joined by Eddie and Buck. Buck is annoyed that he seems to be the only one from the 118 on digging duty. Even after Hen and I explained what was going on he is still annoyed.

"Eddie, can you believe this?" Buck turns his attention towards Eddie.

"Hen and Ella aren't going to the fire line with us. It will be just the two of us," Buck announces which triggers a concerned glance between Eddie and I. Before he can say anything an ATV pulls alongside us.

"You ready soldier?" Marjan asks.

"I'll be right there," Eddie confirms.

"Well, hop to it. These at-risk kids aren't getting any less at risk," Marjan retorts as she pulls away. With that, Eddie grabs the last of his supplies. It is at that moment that the situation dawns on Buck. He will be the only one from the 118 digging. Eddie smirks at Buck as he goes on about how Marjan is Firefox from Instagram. With that, Eddie makes his exit. With that we all part ways. I head to the medical tent. It doesn't take long for me to get comfortable. To be honest Hen and I will only be treating heat exhaustion unless anything has happened to the kids or the instructor. After thirty minutes of waiting, there is some action at the helipad. That must mean the strike team needs help.

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