Coming back to a tragedy

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It has been one long and painful month since then and I have finally been cleared for full duties. It is a relief as Buck misses me at work. Well, so I've been told. The only problem is I only scraped by in the physical. Still, it feels good to be buttoning up my uniform shirt. It should be a lot of the same old stuff. The same old stuff being COVID calls and the occasional rescue. Now that I am ready for the day I am about to join the others in the rec room when I notice that something is off. It is at that moment I realise that the others are throwing a surprise welcome back party. That is the only reason why I could think of as Buck had to leave early. Buck never leaves early. I shake the thought off as I make my way to the rec area. There is only one way to find out if my hunch is correct.

"Surprise," The others call out as I reach the kitchen. On the table is a cake that has the words welcome back on it.

"Thank you guys but this is overkill. I was only gone for a month," I am flushed with embarrassment. The thing is I am going to have to accept the fact that the others are happy that I am back.

"Well I'm sorry but your replacements have been either insufferable or rubbish or both," Hen speaks up.

"So I've heard. Anyway, we should eat the cake before the signal bell goes," I announce. Just as Bobby moves in to cut the cake the signal bell goes. Of course, it had to. I wish it could have waited till after we had the cake. Oh well, there is nothing that we can do about it. Some days we are jinxed. After seven minutes of driving, we made it to the scene. To my surprise, a car struck a pole. I take note of the lack of skid marks which can only mean one of two things. The passenger lost control due to a medical episode or due to reckless driving. I dash to the driver-side window to find a familiar face.

"Mum, can you hear me?" I get to work on assessing her.

"What happened?" She mumbles. She is not quite responsive. I came to the conclusion that she had a medical episode.

"You were involved in a car accident," I responded.

"I'm sorry Ella. I was on my way to visit you then I blacked out. The next thing I know I am pinned in my car with you checking on me," My mum explains. With that, I notice a medical alert bracelet. With a few swift movements, I put a c-collar around her neck just in case. I doubt there are any major injuries but I want to be safe. Just in case.

"Don't worry about that now. The team will get you out. We will talk on the way to the hospital," I say as I move out of the way. Now that I am out of the way Buck and Eddie get to work on freeing my mum. It is tense but they manage. As they place my mum on the gurney I am hit by a sudden wave of dread. The reason? Well, epilepsy can strike at any time. Thankfully it doesn't take long for us to load her into the ambulance.

"I'll drive. You need the chance to talk to your mum," Hen says as I pull myself up.

"Thank you," I responded before closing the door.

"So how long have you had epilepsy?" I ask as I get to work on making sure she is comfortable.

"Four months ago. It is a side effect of a brain tumour. I meant to tell you when I visited you for Christmas but you were having too much fun. I didn't want to ruin it," My mum explains. She looks embarrassed.

"Well, you told me now," I mustered some fake optimism. To be honest I don't know how I feel. I guess I need time to process the news before I make up my mind. Even though she left when I needed her the most, I still love her.

"Ye...," Before she can finish her response she trails off. She is having another seizure. I quickly grab the recuse spray. As soon as I administer it I move back. I don't want to restrict her twitching. It will hurt her if I do. After the longest ambulance ride, we made it to the hospital. Right now I am talking to the doctor who is looking after her.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora