And things had to get worse

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It has been two days since then and I am fighting the urge to cover myself in blankets. It is due to the fact that I have a high fever caused by COVID-19. Because I have a fever all of my body heat has been redirected to my torso which is why my arms and legs are cold. I don't want to overheat my body. I am already close to a heat stroke. Like so many other victims I am struggling to breathe. Luckily for me, Bobby understands the situation. He has given me as much time off as I need. Unfortunately, that extends to Howie and Buck. To be honest I think Howie is being paranoid. His reasoning is sound but we are all taking precautions so that his and Maddie's baby will remain healthy. Speaking of Buck he enters my room with a food tray laden with various bits of food and various flavours of electrolyte drinks.

"How are you doing Ella?" Buck checks on me. He is clad in a mask and gloves.

"Honestly I feel like crap. I'm-," Before I can say anything else my body is racked with another coughing fit. If it weren't for my fever I'd be complaining about my chest being tired.

"Ella you should sit up straight," Buck suggests as he gently helps me up. As soon as the coughing stops I take a sip from one of the electrolyte drinks. Despite the fact that I know I should eat, I don't. The downside to having COVID-19 is it has taken away my appetite. After a few minutes of chatting with Buck, he leaves.

"Hey Buck, are you ok?" Howie asks. I find myself eavesdropping even though I shouldn't.

"No. I'm worried about Ella. She has barely eaten or drunk since she got hit with COVID. Seeing her weak is bothering me because there is nothing that I can do," Buck replies. He really isn't happy about this situation. I put it down to the fact that he cares about me. Love makes you do weird things.

"Do you want me to look at her? It sounds like she needs to consider going to the hospital," Howie says. He is right. If that is the case I am going to need an ambulance. After a few minutes of waiting Howie joins me. He is covered head to toe in PPE. At least I won't panic and inadvertently infect him.

"Hey Chim," I barely get the words out. My lungs are really tired. He quickly gets to work on checking me. I can tell by the look in his eyes it isn't good. After a few minutes, he leaves and quickly comes back with Buck who is also now covered head to toe in PPE.

"The bad news is Ella's diaphragm is tired and her fever is uncomfortably high but the good news is Buck can look after you while we wait for the ambulance. I'll make the call," Howie says. It doesn't take long for Howie to confirm that an ambulance is on its way. With that Buck carries me down the stairs bridal style. I assume it is to make the paramedics' lives easier. After five minutes of Buck pacing the paramedics arrived. I notice a familiar set of eyes.

"Hey, Hen. I'm sorry that you got dragged to another COVID call," I whisper.

"Honestly Ella, Don't worry. I wanted an excuse to help you," Hen jokes. The thing is I know it is the truth. We have worked together for a while which means we are technically family. After a few minutes of checking me out, Hen puts the oxygen mask over my face.

"Hen, will I be able to go with her?" Buck asks. He is concerned.

"Unfortunately you'll have to meet her at the hospital. Even with your PPE, there is no guarantee that you will be safe from COVID," Hen explains, breaking Buck's heart a little more. It is annoying but that is the hand that I have been dealt. I grab Buck;'s gloved hand with my left hand flashing my engagement ring.

"Buck, it's going to be ok. I'll fight the COVID for as long as it takes. Bobby said I can get as much time off as I need so that is what I am going to do," I reassure him. I can tell that he wants to give me a hug. Buck knows it isn't a good idea at the moment. As soon as I am loaded into the ambulance I can feel myself falling asleep. Despite the fact that I spent the past couple of days resting, the constant coughing fits combined with the high fever have been keeping me awake. The next thing I know I am awake in a hospital bed with a ventilator tube in my neck. Buck is sitting down at the end of my bed. He is of course still in PPE however it is the hospital's.

"The doctors did a tractotomy. They wanted to give your lungs a chance to rest," Buck explains. That means it is worse than I thought.

"How long?" I ask. I immediately regret it as it hurts.

"The doctors reckon that you will be on the ventilator for a week," Buck says. I can tell that he is dying to give me a hug. I suppose it could be worse. After an hour of being with Buck, he gets a text. I assume it is from one of the others.

"Athena wants to check on you. Bobby probably sent her," Buck announces.

"She can come. I'm always happy to chat with her. Bobby is probably on a shift anyway," I responded. It will be nice catching up with her mostly because I haven't had the chance to catch up with her after we rescued her. Buck quickly leaves. With that Anthena joins me. Of course, she is in the mandatory PPE. Still, it is nice to see someone different.

"Hello Athena," I greeted her.

"Hello, Ella. How are you doing?" Athena gets to work on checking on me.

"Honestly I've been better. How is your recovery going?" I turn the tables.

"I'm not sure. I feel like the incident has triggered something in me. It is forcing me to second guess myself," Athena admits. Something tells me that she hasn't told Bobby any of this. If I wasn't where I am now I'd tell her that she has to talk to Bobby about it.

"Have you told Bobby?" I ask.

"Not yet but I think he knows," Athena responds. Bobby is a smart man. He could tell that I was scared of losing Buck just by watching me.

"Has Hen complained about my stand-in?" I ask. Knowing Hen, she is not happy. Howie and I are the only ones that seem to understand her system.

"Yep. In fact, she's gotten through two already," Athena responds. I would laugh however I have a tube down my throat. Because of that, I smile instead. After an hour of socialising, Athena is ready to leave.

"Before you go can you make sure you give Buck a hug on my behalf?" I ask. Before you can ask I know it is a weird request but Buck really needs a hug from someone. Obviously, it should be me but I am in no position to give him the required hug.

"Sure," She responds as she leaves. It has been a week since then and as promised I have been taken off the ventilator. In fact, I am currently going through the process of being discharged. I am looking forward to a comfortable bed. To be honest I think Buck is looking forward to it more than me. He has been sitting by my side this entire time. Well unless I had other visitors.

"What is taking them so long?" Buck asks. His leg is twitching at full speed.

"Now you know how I feel," I counter. I am referring to when the doctor discharged Buck after the truck explosion.

"At least you can finally get some comfortable sleep," I add for good measure. Buck just nods along. After a few minutes of waiting the doctor comes in. He seems happy.

"The results of your second PCR test are back. You are negative. However due to the nature of your work I wouldn't recommend that you return within the next month," The doctor announces.

"Of course. Thank you," I say as I grab the last of my things. With that Buck and I leave. As soon as we make it to the car Buck's face lights up.

"Why don't I take you somewhere for lunch," Buck suggests.

"Sure. So long as you choose somewhere with soft food," I counter. Unfortunately, that leaves us with very few options. To be honest I am happy with just the company. This month has been one that I'd rather forget but there is one person that has managed to keep me sane and he is sitting next to me. I am glad that I said yes.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now