प्रेम:- I Love You

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Old reader are love

But thanks to all who joined me in between melodious_softy @vrushali


Virat Pratap's POV

I entered her chamber, it was almost mid night, with moonlight peeking to through windows.

I didn't find her on the bed. At this our of night were might she be.

I moved more into the chamber to find her lying on the mat I used to sleep on.

" Nayantara..." I called her as she was staring something out of window.

" Why are you here?" She asked, her eyes still looking outside.

" Why are you lying here?" I asked, ignoring the question she just threw towards me.

" Why do you care?" She asked.

Two can play this game.

" What you eaten anything?" I asked.

" What will you take to leave?" She asked.

" I want to take you somewhere." I said.

" I don't want to go anywhere with you." She said, standing up to leave.

" Let me rephrase it for you. I am taking you somewhere." I said again.

" I am not going anywhere with you." She said and turned.

I sighed in frustration. After a hectic day, an disobedient wife wasn't really a die for situation.

I picked her up in my arms. "Wha- What are you doing?" She asked shocked.

" Taking you with me." I said while starting to move.

" I- Fine fine I will walk. Put me down." She appeal got unheard by me.

" Put me down. Where you taking me?" She whispered as we came in the corridor. "People are looking at us."

" This is your punishment for not listening to me at once." I said.

People where indeed looking, whispering, smiles and throwing judgements. I cared about nothing else than the little life in my arms.

" Please put me down." She begged, hidden her in me.

" Quite." I said.

" Put me-"

" If you said another word before we reach outside I will kiss you." She went widen, lips down sealed. " You should now inculcate the habit of listening to what I say. I really don't like disobedience."

She pouted. I knew she wanted to say alot but she knew better.

Pulling a show for whole palace, I took her out near my horse and made her stood on her feet.

" Where are we-" she instantly brought her hands to her lips, shaking her head in negative.

What will I do of you?

" Get on." I said and she did. I climbed behind her. My chest touching her back.

She turned to look at me, asking for the permission to speak.

Offf she is the longest she can keep her mouth shut.

I nodded.

" I want a horse of mine." She said.

" You don't need one." I said while pulling the rein of horse. It started walking, making galloping sound.

" You said." She said with a little pout adoring her so har to resist lips.

" I said what?" I said, smirking. This is exactly where I want this conversation to go.

" You said to ask you." She said with a tone saying try-to-rememeber.

" How insensible it sounds Nayantara. Why would I ask you to ask something from me?" I said.

" But you said." She said. She was to determined to prove her point.

" I didn't remember saying anything like that ever." I said, smiling.

Troubling this little smart brain is fun.

" When we were going on south... you said." She said.

" I don't remember Nayantara." I stayed rooted to my statement.

" How can you not? When I asked you for a horse you said to ask my husband-"

I felt her breathing stopped. Her body stiffened.

" Oh yeah... I remember now." I said.

She wasn't anymore interested in the conversation.

" Nayantara." I said and no reply.

" Nayantara..." I said, a barely audible hmm came. " What happen?"

She shook her head. She was crying.

Oh Lord!

" Hey love..." I said.

" You lied..." Came her soft sobby whisper.

" I am sorry." I said. " It was needed."

Her teary eyes met my guilty once.

" Why was it needed?" She asked.

" Because of there were people around you who could harm you. You know now. I couldn't have let any information of any kind reach them, love." I explained.

" How this all has anything to do with you lying to me not about a small thing but something as huge as this." She asked.

I sighed.

" I wasn't intending to do anything like this but when I got to know that you know I was in capital. I couldn't let anyone else knew about it. More because I was there to catch the traitors with the palace." I explained.

" You.. You could have told me. I would have understood. You didn't have to lie to me." She said.

" I could have only when you sister like headmaid wasn't one of them." I said, my voice was low this time.

She took a deep breath. " You could have told me." She repeatedly again.

" You wouldn't have believed me." I said.

" You are my husband. I would have." She said.

Her words melted like honey to my ears, ice to my heart burning with guilt and a cold breeze for my exhausted brain.

" I didn't wanted to break your heart. " I said.

" But you did." She said. I took a long deep breath.

" I am sorry. My way wasn't the ideal. But trust me I love you." I said.

" No.. You don't." She red eyes daring me to not say that again.

" I do. More than I can put into words, more than you can understand, more than I would ever be able to show with my responsibility but I do love you with my heart and soul not because you are my wife because every second I spend with you. You made me fall in love witb with you. I do love you I swear on the teaching of my Guru."


No update tomorrow
Next update on Monday.
I hope this wasn't boring.

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