12. I lost my cards!

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"What the hell is your problem? How much does your company pay you that you are disturbing people at night time?

No! I don't want a credit card.

No! I am not interested in a home loan.

And No! I am not planning to take any medical insurance!" I yelled not giving the other person any chance to speak.

"Good evening ma'am. We don't offer any of those things but we called you to ask if you want some astrological advice. We deal with marital, love, court-related, health, and psychological problems. Shri Dayananda swami will predict your future by hearing your voice. Would you like to speak to him?" A female voice asked making my anger rise to its peak level.

"No!" I said and cut the call. I took the water bottle and gulped down the whole bottle along with my anger. I threw my phone on the bed and got changed. I checked some emails and got to work. It diverted me pretty much. Unknowingly my eyes got closed and I slept in an uncomfortable position the whole night. The next morning when I woke up I had a stiff neck.

I avoided it and helped mumma in doing chores as I was in no mood to be bashed by them. To my relief, only maamu and maami along with Kyathi came here. They said he would come for the wedding. I hope he doesn't come there too. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard mumma shouting for me from the kitchen.

"What mumma?" I asked entering the kitchen. 

"Go and get these items." She said handing me a list. I took it and climbed the stairs. 

"I would be the first bride who is doing shopping for her husband's Roka!" I muttered to myself. But I can't help it. Papa is, as usual, busy with his work, maybe making preparations for his owners leaving his daughter I might add, Mumma doesn't want to go out, Shikar Bhai had a very important conference today and Kabir Bhai is looking into other arrangements for engagement.

I quickly changed and walked out taking my purse and Mumma's car keys.

I went to the mall, picked up everything Mumma asked, and took out my purse to go to the billing section to pay

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I went to the mall, picked up everything Mumma asked, and took out my purse to go to the billing section to pay.

"What the fuck!" I muttered looking at my empty purse. Where did my cards go? I looked around and a few salespeople were looking at me.

"Damn! Now I can't even walk away. It would be embarrassing if I dropped everything I selected from different sections. Mother Earth, just swallow me!" I muttered looking around. My mobile went off and it was mumma.

"Mumma!" I answered in fear. She will definitely kill me if she finds out I lost my cards. Great! I have to block them too.

"Aaru what's your ABD pin number?" Mumma asked. What will she do with my PIN number when I lose my cards? Wait why is she asking my PIN?

"Why Mumma?" I asked controlling my anger. If it was not Mom who took it she would kill me. So, better be careful.

"I want to use it at the MART." She said in a very casual tone. I fisted my hands to control myself from snapping at her.

"My card is with you?" I asked.

"All your cards are with me only. The morning I asked Kyathi to bring your cards as we planned to go to the mart and my card was not working for some reason. Now tell me the PIN." She said. That's it guys I am going to burst out now.

"Mumma you took my cards and didn't even feel the need to inform me?" I asked trying my best to not raise my voice.

"It's not your money. It's your father's money. Why do I need your permission to take his money? Now stop these tantrums and tell me the PIN." she replied. Tears brimmed in my eyes. 

"I didn't say you need my permission, Mumma. I just asked why didn't you inform me. Anyways, it is 2023." I said and cut the call. I know it's a waste of time to have an argument with her. She will never get my point.

I decided to call one of my brothers and ask them to help me out as I am damn sure that Papa would say he is busy even without listening to me. I tried calling Shikar Bhai but his phone was off. Then I tried calling Kabir Bhai and it said engaged. Just great! I sighed and shoved the mobile in my pocket when it went off. It was Kabir Bhai.

"Aaru!  What happened Bachha?" He asked as soon as I picked up the call.

"Mumma took my cards for shopping and online payments are not accepted in the mall. Can you come here Bhai?" I asked him hoping he would save me from this embarrassment.

"I am a little far bachha but you don't worry. I will send someone in 10 minutes." He said and hung up.

I decided to take one more round of the shop as I can't stand here like a bafoon and it's not like they will come in 10 min when they say 10 min. I was roaming here and there like a lost puppy when Siddarth bhai came to me.

"Hi, bhabi! Kabir said you wanted some help." He said taking bags from my hands.

"Sorry, Bhai! Woh actually my cards were not working. I didn't know he would call you." I said fidgeting with my fingers. I can't tell him the truth right? And somewhere it was my mistake to not check my cards before leaving but I thought they would be in my purse as I kept them in my purse today morning before going to bathe.

"No need to say sorry Bhabi, he called me because he is my best friend and I am here to help my best friend's sister." He said as we walked to the billing section. 

"I will pay you back by evening," I said walking out.

"No Bhabi! It's completely fine." He said politely.

"No Bhai! It was for Rokha and we are supposed to pay. If you don't want me to pay in money I can give you a gift right?" I asked to which he nodded with a smile and went away after helping me place the bags in the trunk. 

I went home, placed the bags on the dining table, and went to my room. I opened my diary and noted the requirements I needed. I have to start working soon as I have less time to complete what I have started. It will be a surprise for everyone.

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