6. Proposal

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It was afternoon when I was having lunch with my dad, chacha, and brothers in my cabin. We always eat lunch together when we don't have any meetings. Manish uncle came in with a file that I asked for and placed it on the table when his phone went off. He spoke for a few minutes and when he came back his face was glowing with happiness.

"Is there any good news Manish?" Dad asked to which Manish uncle nodded positively. His next words made me freeze in my place.

"Aarushi agreed to get married." He said smiling widely.

'Few more days Princess! You will be in your king's arms!' I muttered to myself and continued eating with a neutral face. Thank god, Mom is not here or else she will definitely tease me like anything.

"Tell this to Madhurima first. She was very excited regarding this matter as if it's Avyaan's marriage!" My father exclaimed. Only if he knows why my mom is excited!

After that we all got back to our work and my guards informed me that in the morning Shikar took Aarushi to the guest house and they were okay after getting out of there. I never allowed my people to eavesdrop on any of her conversations or sneak into her house or hostel. They just guarded her from a distance and kept me informed. I need to have a talk with Shikar.

I drove to the hospital and went to his cabin. 

"Arey waah! How come the king himself visited me today?" He asked getting up from his chair. I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the couch.

"I heard your sister is getting married," I said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Papa said you." He stated. He knows both me and his dad very well. I nodded a yes in response. He took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Are you in a dilemma about it or is she not ready?" I asked.

"She said she wanted to work but then she agreed to marriage. Kabir and I talked to her. She said she is ready and she would let both of us test her fiance before going ahead but I am scared Avyaan! What if she ends up with some jerk? She is so fragile and emotional." He said sitting on the table.

"Don't worry about that. She will be safe and happy and that's a promise." I said. He gave me a confused look but nodded nevertheless. 

I went home from there and got freshened up. I went to the dining table and took my place. Everyone is here including my bua dadi. She is my grandfather's sister and stays with us for a year and then goes to her son's place for a year. I don't know why it is like that and never cared to know either. Her stay starts today.

We started having our dinner when she spoke.

"Bhabi sa, why don't we start looking for matches for Rana sa? I have a girl in my mind." She said addressing my dadi sa. I gave my answer before she could speak further.

"You don't need to take the stress bua dadi sa! I have already found a girl." I replied cutting my food using a knife and having it with a fork.

"Bhai sa, Who's that?" Ananya and Nithya chirped.

"You know her. Mom, send a proposal to Goyals," I said addressing my mother. My sisters' eyes widened with surprise.

"Goyals?" Ananya screamed.

"For Aarushi di?" Nithya exclaimed. Both of them started yelling hugging each other. When did these girls become this close?

"Nithya, you can't call her di when your brother wants to marry her!" Mom said smiling at me. My lips twitched up a little but I didn't let the smile break.

"Sorry, badi maa!" she said holding her ear and smiling sheepishly. 

"I'll talk to Suvarna bhabi sa tomorrow morning. We are planning to visit the temple tomorrow." Mom said. After that, the dinner was a silent event. 

I went to my room and opened her pics of the morning at the ice cream shop. She is looking cute with those big eyes and an innocent smile looking adorably at her favorite ice cream. I soon dozed off with her thoughts.

I woke up the next morning and was about to go out when Mom asked me to drop her at Manish Uncle's home. I was about to leave after dropping her off but Mom asked me to come in and meet everyone. I went in and Manish Uncle, his wife, and his mom got into panic mode. Of course, I am the King and they will get hyper. I never visit my friends for this very same reason. They never treat me like a normal human. 

Kabir and Shikar got out of their rooms and sat like it was normal for them. Shikar being my best friend always treated me like a normal person and Kabir being my brother's best friend never followed this too. Initially, Manish uncle used to force them to give respect to us and all but Me and Sid didn't want to lose our best friends to these formalities so we requested everyone to not interfere in our friendship. I and mom sat on one couch while Kabir and Shikar sat on the other. The remaining people are standing like they are in school and the teacher gave them some punishment. But where is she? I looked around but couldn't find her. My mom noticed it.

"Where is Aarushi bhai sa?" My mother asked Manish Uncle.

"I'll call her Rani sa. Aaru, Come down!" Aunty yelled from the living room.

"10 minutes mamma!" She replied in a groggy voice. Was she sleeping? Well, it's quite early though.

Really? If it was anyone else you would be calling them lazy! My subconscious chided at me and I ignored it, like always. 

"I want you down this instant!" Aunty yelled again. She muttered a fine and we heard a knob-twisting sound. 

She descended the stairs in her nightwear. Is it just me or does this girl really look this beautiful just after waking up? Her hair is messed up, there is no trace of makeup on her face and her eyes are just half open still she managed to look like an angel. I can feel my heartbeat rise with every step she took towards us. 

"Shit!" She muttered seeing us

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"Shit!" She muttered seeing us. She stood behind her father and gave a sheepish smile to us.

"Looks like she just woke up," Shikar whispered to me and I nodded.

"What the hell with your clothes Aaru?" Aunty whisper-yelled which was quite audible to all.

"I asked you to give me 10 min but you ordered me to come down mumma!" She whined pouting cutely.

"Now go and change this stupid dress before I lose my cool," Aunty said glaring at her and she sprinted upstairs. Aunty served us tea. I got a call and I had to leave. I informed Mom and left for my office.

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