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As Artie sits down on the bed, I sit up. He looks at me with confusion and concern.

"What's up?" He frowns with curiosity.

My eyes meet his and a tear falls down my cheek.

"Oh my God, Callie!" He frets, leaning forward. "Baby, what's wrong?" He wipes away my tear.

"Please don't be mad with me." I beg, clasping my hands together.

"Why would I be mad?" He rubs my cheek and leans back, looking at me with worry. "Talk to me, Callie."

I bring my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around my knees. "I'm so sorry. I went to your fight tonight and I watched it, and I saw you and Dickie scrapping, and then I went outside to get some fresh air because I was feeling stuffy, and then your trainer Ricky, h-he tried it on with me," I stop for an extremely short, panicked breath, "he invited me out and when I said no he grabbed me, and pinned me against a metal fence and was really horrible to me, so I pushed him away from me and he fell onto your bike, and I ran. I'm so sorry Artie, please, I'm so so sorry." A sob forces my word ramble to stop and hide my face into my legs. "I'm so sorry. You were right I shouldn't have gone."

I feel the weight of the bed even out and bravely look up, seeing Artie has got up off the mattress. He paces the floor at the end of the bed for a moment. His silence is killing me.

"Artie, say something, please!"

He stops suddenly and turns to face me. "Are you okay?"

"What?" I ask, shocked at his response. I was expecting him to shout at me.

"Are you okay?" He repeats. "After what Ricky did to you, how are you feeling?"

I lower my legs into a crossed position whilst I swallow the lump in my throat. "I'm okay. I was a little grossed out but I stopped it before he took it too far. I told him to fuck off and pushed him. I'm just so sorry I push him into your bike."

"I don't care about the bike, Callie," Artie says sitting in front of me and taking my hands. "Your well-being means more to me than some bike."

"I did something bad. You shouldn't be comforting me. I shouldn't have followed you to your fight."

He smirks softly. "Callie, I knew you'd be there eventually, and it was most likely gonna be without me knowing." He softly laughs, as he pulls me into his chest. "Just promise me you won't go to one of my fights ever again?"

"I won't. I don't think I can stomach it."

He leans back and looks down at his hands. "Yeah, me neither."


He looks at me and pulls a face. "I just... being with you... it's changed me."

"How so?"

"I just don't think I'm into fighting anymore. You've made me realise that I'm not really a hurtful person, I just did hurtful things."

"Oh." I reply simply. "What you gonna do?"

"Quit I guess. Even if I wanted to fight I'm not working for Ricky anymore. Fuck him."

"Don't quit your job for me. You even said yourself you can't quit without it becoming an issue."

"Callie, I'd quit breathing for you if I had to." He says, pushing me back on the bed and straddling me. "Now stop," he kisses my right cheek, "bloody crying," he kisses my left cheek, "okay?" He finishes, planting a soft peck on my lips. He falls beside me and pulls me into his body.

"Thank you for taking it well." I mumble against his chest.

"Just please promise me you never go back."

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