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Monday 27th June


It's my third week into the job today and I am in love with it. I love my new role and Joy is amazing. She's so supportive!

Thankfully, I've not heard from Eddie since the incident. I've also not heard from Artie since that day too. I'm glad Kiera convinced me stay at my new home that day. The more I've thought about it, I've come to the conclusion if I had argued with Artie first, and then Eddie turned up, I probably would have left with him because I was so vulnerable after his words. I needed comfort and would have accepted the familiarity of my ex-boyfriend's arms in desperation of reassurance. For someone I had known less than a week, Kiera did her best. She really has become a good friend. I've spoken to Mum once in the last three weeks. I've spoke with my brother the most as I feel like he's the only family member on my side. Even my Grandma (who we all agreed was too old for the drama) is involved. Like my Mum, she's old fashioned and had the audacity to call me selfish.

Why do our parents think they know what's best for us? They don't. They really, truly don't.

Over the last few weeks, I've thought about Artie's words to me and realised that I have taken a lot for granted, but I also don't want what they have to offer. I'm grateful they're able to offer it, but I'm okay. I want to make my own mistakes, build my own path. Joy said that doing it at 25 was smart and told me to think about what would have happened if I'd stayed.

Joy is a brilliant and inspiring mentor. I told her the other day as a polite little joke that when I grow up I want to be like her and she said it was the best compliment she's ever received. We already have such a good work relationship. She's amazing.

"Reckon you can throw a few ideas together for the "Georgina's" account." Joy tells me as she packs her laptop away. "As they're a luxury jewellery brand, we need to do something classy and sexy."

"Absolutely. I'll have a think tonight." I say as we walk out the office together. We get in the lift. "Any plans for the evening?"

"Re-runs of Absolutely Fabulous I think." Joy chuckles. "Rosie is at her father's this week so she can meet his new girlfriend."

"Oh lord, sounds interesting." I chuckle.

"I couldn't give a shit. Just gives me a break." She replies with a laugh.

"Well, it sounds like you're owed a lot of relaxation."

"Hell, yeah." She nods. "And a couple of hook-ups with some lads off Tinder maybe."

"Joy!" I pretend to act shocked. This isn't the first time since we've met that she's made references to her sex life.

"I know, I am so slutty." She plays along, and laughs after. "Say, what you doing next Friday?"

"Nothing at the moment." I shake my head as the lift doors open.

"Well, a few of us are going to get some drinks in town. You want to come?"

I beam that I'm being included. "That would be amazing. Thank you for the invite!"

"Don't you worry. You've worked your arse off these last few weeks. You deserve to let your hair down a little." She winks as we walk out to our cars.

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