Chapter 18: Odinyule

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"Odinyule is here everyone!" Leyla shouted as Dak fell off of his bed.

"Ow!" Dak shouted, landing with a thud. "I'm gonna get you for this, Ley!"

"I like to see you try," Leyla said as she threw a snowball at him. "Aaah!" Dak yelled as the snowball hit him like it was a lump of mud. Dak did a competitive chuckle.

"You're on sis!"

Avery facepalmed herself at the competitive brother-sister challenge. Kira was back in the Rescue Riders but she still ignored Avery, Dak, and Leyla. She glared at Leyla.

"Seriously, they're more annoying than Cutter could ever try to be," Kira muttered. "Me and Shadow will patrol Huttsgalor in case someone tries to break in while we're having fun." Kira said and jumped on Shadow's back and they flew off before Dak could say anything.

Kira looked back at the Roost. She sighed and looked at the scratches Avery gave her years ago on her arm. She wasn't a huge fan of Odinyule because that was when she found out she could talk to dragons. That was her curse. The curse that changed her life for the worse.... But it still had good things to it. She met Shadow, the bestest friend she could ever have. She sighed and rolled up her sleeve. Her bronze hair flew in the wind. She really wanted to get away from Huttsgalor so she wouldn't have to relive the nightmare. She looked at the clouds in front of her, they are snowing. Great, operation: "lock myself in the house for two days" will have to be launched soon. Kira thought sarcastically. She deeply regrets joining the Rescue Riders in the first place. She wasn't even meant to. It was an accident meeting them.

"Kira? Are you okay?" The Nightfury asked worriedly, his blue eyes staring up at her bright green eyes (wonder where she got those from😒)

"I'm fine, Shads, sorry, I just..." She sighed. "I don't enjoy this holiday as much as everyone else does." She confessed.

"Why? It looks like fun." Shadow pointed out to his green-eyed rider as everyone sung carols while readying for the Holiday.

"I used to think so, but..." Kira sighed.

"Listen, Shads, Odinyule is a nightmare to me. I don't have the best past with it. When Dak and Leyla helped with Odinyule, before we met, I locked myself in my room because..." Kira sighed as she continued. "Ten years ago, today, I found out I could speak to dragons. I was happy because I felt unique and rare, but my parents and Avery thought it was weird and different, so they shunned me. They abused me each and everyday, and gave me these," Kira showed Shadow her scars. "So, I did what I thought was right, I locked myself in my room every Odinyule ever since." Kira finished. Shadow was stunned by her story.

"Kira, it's okay," Shadow comforted, smiling encouragingly. "Your parents are gone. Avery is a Rescue Rider. Why would Dak and Leyla let her be on the team if she was still bad? Maybe she loves you. Just give her a second chance. She did give one to you."

That's right... Kira realized. She tried to explain herself... I couldn't listen... I was blinded by hatred and rage...she sighed.

"You're right, Shads," Kira agreed, "I was so stupid... I was like Cutter."

"Whoa whoa whoa that's going too far, Cutter... um, Cutter... how do I say this nicely? He's uh.." Shadow trailed off. "Um... he's boastful."

Kira laughed. "Great way to describe Cutter. Let me down. I got a sister to apologize to."


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