Chapter 8: Explain Yourself!

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Cutter found himself being glared at by Winger and Shadow.

"Explain yourself," he was told. "Wing, Shads... what a wonderful sur-"

"Shads? What-"

"My nickname for you." Cutter told Shadow. "Your gonna have to stop calling me that cause I...!"

Winger knew what was coming and he blocked Shadow before he could plasma blast Cutter. "Not yet, Shadow." Winger said. Cutter gulped. "not yet." Winger said after Shadow backed down. They faced Cutter.

"Sorry...?" Cutter said. "How'd you get here?" Shadow said, growling under his breath. He got a plasma blast ready, just in case. "I was flying-"

"Spare the lies! How'd you get here?!" Shadow snapped. "Fine... I followed you. I wanted to know where you were going so I followed you both," Cutter smirked. "and I'm going to have fun telling everyone your gay and dating."

Now Winger was as red as Aggro and Shadow was getting ready to kill Cutter. "Don't. Tell. Anyone." Shadow said, getting angry. "Not the time, Shads..."

"Is that my name now!?" Shadow yelled. "Not the time, Shadow... maybe when and if he actually does." Winger said. They glared at Cutter. "Alright, I won't tell anyone. Okay?" Cutter said. "Happy?" Cutter turned to Shadow, who smiled. "I'm glad we're good." Shadow said. What would he do to me if I did tell everyone? Cutter thought.

Okay, so Shadow kind of went full Aggro, so... yeah. I finally decided to update this. Alright.

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