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"Are you aware that the Ministry has deemed Thestrals as dangerous?"—————————

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"Are you aware that the Ministry has deemed Thestrals as dangerous?"

"I upset him, Hermione."

"Not the first time, won't be the last. You two fight like an old married couple, that's nothing new." She frowned and shook her head as she skimmed over the book in her lap. "Can you believe Hagrid was out searching for Giants this entire time? Shame he had to find out his mother passed..." She continued ignoring my brooding and moping some more like I hadn't been complaining to her for days about mine and Harry's awkward situation.

"Hermione, you've already told me about Hagrid multiple times, and how all of you went to visit him while I was in McGonagall's office." I sighed, staring up at the ceiling of the common room as I lay across a chair on my back, my feet dangling off over the armrest.

"Rube, I'm just trying to keep your mind occupied. The more you sit and whine about Harry not speaking to you, the harder it will be to feel better. And it seems that until you feel better, you don't plan on speaking to him. Plus, if there's one thing I know about Harry, he's as stubborn as you are, so there's no way he'll make the first move and come back to you. You've really dug a hole with this one-"

"Okay. I get it. Thanks." I let out a harsh sigh through my nostrils and continued watching the portraits along the walls of the common room move.

"Good." She nodded. "Now, I just want to get a lesson plan going for Hagrid if I can. He isn't understanding what Umbridge will do to him if he brings in some dangerous creature. He thinks everything is harmless, but I can't sit back and watch her try to give him the boot like Trelawney..."

My mind started to wander after that. I had met with Dumbledore a few times since the accident a few days ago, but I couldn't tell how much it was helping or not. The first day he spent the entire evening making me angry. I could hardly control any of my powers, despite trying to push away the words and actions he used against me to get me fired up. He said he needed to see the extent we were working with.

If anything, the entire thing has been making me feel worse.

Harry and chocolate. You know that's what helps. Why would you push him away?

I can't pull him into this when I've been feeling like such a danger to myself and everyone around me. Not yet.

"Sissy, you look exhausted. Why don't you just go take a nap?" Ron chuckled, lifting my body slightly and throwing himself down on the seat under me so my back now laid across his legs. "Hermione, give it a rest. Hagrid said he had it all under control. Would you stop and let him do his job himself-" He tried reaching over and prying the book from her hands, the action failing as he had trapped himself under me.

I could feel the warmth surrounding me before I even looked. I could practically smell every ounce of vanilla and warm flannels as he stood just a few feet away with a locked expression on his face.

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