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"Harry's talking shit about my mother!" —————————

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"Harry's talking shit about my mother!"

"Have you noticed how many people have been talking about me tonight?" Harry looked around the crowd of students as we walked through the corridors to the Gryffindor tower. "Like— pointing, whispering, staring-"

"Oh, for heaven's sake." I rolled my eyes. "I get it. You're Mr. Fame and Fortune. Triwizarding Tournament Champion. The bloody Boy Who Lived. Hogwarts' heartthrob. The hottest boy this school has ever seen. Must you constantly remind me of this?" I mocked the many names he had for himself. "If I must remind you, I happen to be one of the most wanted girls in this school, too. You aren't the only one that people seem to lust after-"

"That's not what I was referring to, genius, but thank you for the reminder. Let's just remember who is naturally hot, and who has the help of magical powers." He ruffled his hand through my hair to mess it up, earning a groan of annoyance from my lips. "You're right though, Rubes. I can't help it if I'm the hottest guy alive."

"Well, that's only because Reggie— unfortunately— is not. He'd easily give you a run for your money, Potter." I patted my hair down and glared at him through the side of my eyes.

"You seriously think that? You're siding with the Death Eater brother of my godfather-"

"I Siriusly do." I cut him off with a daring look. "Didn't you see the pictures of him at Grimmauld Place? Dark hair, piercing grey eyes, chiseled cheekbones, hot athletic body." I skipped through the corridor dreamily. "He may be the most beautiful person I've ever seen-"

"Oh, and a nice snake on the arm to tie the look together?" Harry rolled his eyes and approached the Fat Lady.

"1. Tattoos are hot— maybe not the Dark Mark, but still. 2. Don't be jealous just because you know I would pick him over you." I shot him a wink, and flipped my hair over my shoulder, purposefully hitting him in the face with it.

~We Interrupt This Program...~

"Her, I like." Regulus flicked his chin towards the blonde Veela teenager as she continued digging under her boyfriend's skin for her own entertainment. Not a flicker of emotion washed over his stone cold face, making the brunette Hufflepuff shift in his seat next to the serpent.

"You only like her because she thinks you're eye candy." James scoffed. "I love her too, don't get me wrong, but I just don't see what your issue with my little fawn Harry is-"

"Little Potter is too much like you, dork." Regulus sneered, making Lily chuckle under her breath. "She's actually funny and tries to clear my name." He shrugged, grabbing his glass of scotch from the table and taking a sip. "And she calls me Reggie and thinks I'm beautiful." He said softly— a fog glazing over the troubled boy's eyes.

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