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- - SUMMARY - -

Y/n L/n has a broken leg, that couldn't get better ever since she was younger, resulting her sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

- - 3RD PERSON - -

Y/n sighed as she looked at her right leg, with a cast wrapped around it.

She hated to be in a wheelchair. It made her insecure that she couldn't walk , and that people bullied her back in 3rd grade.

It made her question, why did Aidan pick her as a girlfriend? Out of the billions of girls out there, why her?

A tear left her eye, the longer she stared at her broken leg.

Whimpers and cries filled the room as she wished she was just normal. She wished she could dance, walk, run and swim.

It always has been a very hard time for her. She sees people practicing dances, while she's in a wheelchair. She sees people jogging, while she's in a wheelchair. She sees people swim, and she's in a wheelchair.

It made her feel pity. She didn't like it.

But then Aidan went in the room to check on her.

He peeked through the door before coming in "Y/n? Hi love." He smiled as he bent down to her.

His smile immediately turn into a frown as he saw the tears streaming on her face.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? Did something happened?" He asked

"I just wish I could be normal.." she sniffled wiping her tears

Aidan furrows his eyebrows "What?"
"Why did you pick me?"
"Because I love you"

"Aidan-- look at me! I'm a mess! I have this disgusting cast, I'm in a wheelchair! ...Aidan there's so many girls out there why did you choose me?" She bawls her eyes out

"Y/n look, I don't care if you're in a wheelchair or not. What matters is I love you! Those mean comments my 'fans' tell me, I don't care about them! Love, don't be insecure about your disability. You are an amazing, kind and wonderful person I know." He pauses for a bit, as tears starts to well up in his eyes too "I love you. Ok? So so so so much!" He finished.

Y/n pulled him into a bone crashing hug, as she continue to cry her eyes out. No one has ever said something to her like this before. Something so beautiful.

"I love you too Aidan.."
"I love you more."

- -A/N - -

Another request done !
Requested by : Double_Black_Wife

I hope it's good, and thank you for requesting !


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