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- - A/N - -

"MOVIES" Inspired by CONAN GRAY.

(Five does not have powers in this one, and the academy does not exist so pretty much, he's a normie)

"I wanna love like the Movies"

- - READER'S POV - -

I smile as I let five twirl me, and hug me from behind as we dance in the dark outside, pouring rain at midnight.

These moments with him always felt so magical.

I felt so special as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear, telling me how much he loves me, adores me, and how he got so lucky with me.

When we held hands wherever we go out, how he isn't afraid to act cheesy in public. And how he wished he could've just chosed me than his past girlfriends, and everything would've been easier .

How he looked at me like I was perfect for him, he was perfect for me, how our friends was jealous of our relationship , 'cause we were so perfect for each other like couples in movies .

It all felt so unreal.

'Cause it is.

All of those were only in my head. My imaginations. All of those "sweet" moments were fake. All in my head.

He never looked at me with with love. We never cherished sweet moments with each other.

There were times my imaginations came true. But it was all just for show. It all didn't mean anything, it was only for us to look non-toxic and for us to look cute.

He was always so cold to me, always showing no emotions acting like he doesn't know I even exist.

Almost every week we don't talk. That's what our friends shouldn't know. They can't know.

Because everytime we're with our friends , they think of us as a perfect, loving couple 'cause of how we act around them.

Just like what we're doing right now.

We're at a party with our close friends, 'cause they invited us and we had no other choice but to go so we did.

I'm sitting next to him on the sofa, his arms wrapped around my shoulder, kissing the side of my head as I lay my head on his shoulder playing with his fingers, trying to look as wholesome as we can .

How I wish this meant something

"You guys look adorable as always!" Said by one of our friends.

We both gave a smile, "Thank you" I say.

They don't even know what happened earlier at the car while arriving .

- - 45 MINUTES AGO - -

I open the car door in the backseat, while he sits on the driver's seat.

SWEET KISSES ||Aidan Gallagher imagines And Preferences||Where stories live. Discover now