Chapter 13

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Hey family! We just completed 2K views! Thankyou so much for reading and supporting! I love ya all so much!

Therefore, we have here an interesting chapter today! Do vote please! <3


As soon as the lectured ended, Alex stood up and grabbed his things. He didn't look at the girl who was looking at him with water in her eyes. He was too hurt. He couldn't still digest the fact that y/n would choose Zeus. He hated it. He hated how she kept it a secret from him aswell. What did she think? He'd hate it? Yes he would but she should've atleast told him cuz they were bestfriends.

Everyone left the class and now just Alex and Y/N were left in the class. Alex began to move and as soon as he reached the door, a strong grip on his wrist made him halt. Soft whimpers and sobs made him turn around. Even though he hated Y/N at the moment but he could never bear her crying.

Tears flowed down her eyes as she sobbed and held onto his hand. She felt helpless. Alex's eyes watered too but he tried to stay strong. Yanking his hand away from hers, he stepped back "Go away L/N, I am busy" He tried to sound as rude and cold as possible but who was he fooling? Someone who loves him? Someone who has been bestfriends with him since years? Yeah, he was wrong! He couldn't fool her. And he couldn't fool himself. He could never hate her. His love for her was deeper than the pacific ocean.

"Alex please. Please lets talk about everything! I believe there are some misunderstandings! Please lets just clear them, shall we?" She asked. "I said go away l/n, go away and dont show me your face again" He yelled.

Y/N wasnt going to back off. She wasnt ready to give up on him and she was sure about it. She backed him against a wall and held both of his hands, making him gasp "Please dont call me that. I cant take it! I cant take it from you Alex! I cant!"

Alex's heart was beating at the highest pace as it could. "And why? You didn't feel it when you were with Zeus! Why cant you take it from me? You literally dont respect my feelings! So tell me why cant you take it!? Why cant you digest the fact that we are nothing no more! Why cant you just give up? Why cant you just leave me and go away! Why Y/N L/N! WH-"

and he was shushed with something unpredictable. Y/N had placed her soft lips over his delicate ones to shut him up. The kiss was chaste and soft. Alex's eyes were wide as hell and he couldn't believe what had just happened neither could Y/n but she definitely didn't think it was a wrong decision.

"Cuz I love you, you dummy" she said in a soft and polite voice. A smile on her face as she saw Alex's eyes lighten up "You what?" He wasnt able to believe his ears. She held his hands "I love you Alex, I love you more than anyone else! I cant think of living a single day without you and I believe if I have to, I wont be the same again. I love you and you make me feel heaven! You make me feel worth it! You make me feel butterflies and emotions I never thought I was capable of feeling"

And that was it for Alex. Tears streamed down his eyes as he pinned Y/N against the wall, placing a passionate kiss on her lips. The kiss was long and full of love. His hands moved up and down her body as he kissed her and her hands remained on his chest.

Finally, they parted away. Their foreheads against eachother. Alex had his hands on her hips and her arms around his neck "I love you too Y/N L/N, I love you more than you can ever imagine. You dont know how much tension is off my shoulders now. Thankyou, I promise to love you till my last breathe"

"Can we talk about why you hit Zeus last night? You could've told me you wanted me to yourself, I would have been yours there and then" She said softly, looking into his brown eyes.

Alex stepped back a little. He was confused "What do you mean? I never hit Zeus! What are you talking about?" and now it was Y/N's turn to be confused "What? Didn't you hit him in the alley yesterday? He was full of bruises when he arrived at my place but ran away as soon as I got my kit to treat him!"

Alex frowned "Firstly, I didnt hit him! Second- dont let him in your place again, I hate him! Third- you tell me, why did you guys have a sleepover when Emma got in an accident!? Why did you let him use your phone?" Alex asked.

Y/N gasped "I never had any sleepover with him! I didnt even let him use my phone! Who told you this!?" Alex tilted his head "Zeus did" Something clicked in his mind and his eyes widened "Tell me everything that has happened between you and Zeus before! I will tell you what has happened between us! I just realized something"

Oh no! Whats gon happen to Zeus now!?

Btw m happy! Finally got to create a little Alex x Y/N scene! T~T. Congratulations guys! After 12 chapters, they r together! But oh, m not a very simple person, just so u know. ;)



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